Pearl's Posts
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/Jr Plaza Walk on Walls Glitch
5th March 2014, 03:54 AM
Damen said not to do it
Anyone who was caught will be banned
Anyone who was caught will be banned
Is that really true??? Because alicat said the moderators are okay with it and I did it....
Posted in
Evidence that Terry is guilty
5th March 2014, 03:33 AM
HarryPotNine, Gotta tell Damen... NOTHING CAN STOP ME
Posted in
Evidence that Terry is guilty
5th March 2014, 03:31 AM
Harry Pot Nine, Do you hate me?
Posted in
Evidence that Terry is guilty
5th March 2014, 01:13 AM
Look, it dosent mean if he's a mod you gotta protect him... If your a mod people will protect you.... I THINK TERRY IS REALLY GUILTY! BECAUSE HE IS NOT A MOD ANYMORE