Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Bot powers to only mods+? • 22nd July 2015, 12:01 AM

Not all of the commands are Moderator+. The reason of making most of the commands moderator+ is because a lot of guests and members over used these commands and abused the powers, therefore the powers were changed to moderators and owners. This was Tennis' choice as it is his bot and he is paying for it, if you want to consult it with anyone do it with him as nobody else has the power to change who has the commands.

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Banned • 20th July 2015, 04:46 PM

Kara said that she banned you because you cussed which normally results in a ban.

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in MAJOR XAT PROBLEM • 21st June 2015, 07:03 AM

This isn't a glitch, the commands list is default. Tennis does not own the website to the command list so he cannot change it. Tennis changed who can use the commands. I believe this is unfair but it is something you will need to speak to Tennis about.

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Xat Tutorial • 13th June 2015, 12:36 PM

Hey guys so I haven't really posted a discussions in a while so I'm going to start off with a xat tutorial. So lets begin.

There are different colour pawns to match with which rank you have. These colours are cyan, black, gold, white, blue and green.
The gold pawn means that a person has the rank owner. Owners can kick, ban, make members, make moderators and make guests.
The white pawn means that a person is a moderator. These are more of the trusted users who monitor the chat. Moderators can kick, ban, make members with permission and make guests.
The blue pawn means that a person has the rank member. You can get this rank by doing one of these things. 1. Become a rank which is knight or higher on oldcp. 2. Have a rank which is Knight or higher on forums and finally 3. Become a trusted user. Members don't really haves powers, the only thing they can do it post links.
The green pawn means that a person is a guest. They don't have powers they are just a member of the community.
The Cyan pawn means a person is an authorized celebrity(For example a youtuber)
The Black pawn is the colour that the creator/staff of xat have on the xat account.

The Bot:

The bot is kind of a new thing. Normally Damen doesn't like to have bots but recently he has allowed it. The bot has many powers. You can find the commands by says !commands in chat. They are as followed.

!say Usage: !say [phrase here]
The bot simply repeats out what you say. Guest
!info Usage: !info
The bot tells you where you can find us. Guest
!value Usage: !value [ID/regname/null]
The bot will value the user. Guest
!price Usage: !price [power]
The bot tells you how much is a power on trade/store. Guest
!allmissing Usage: !allmissing [ID/regname]
The bot tells you what powers are missing for allpowers. Guest
!blackfriday Usage: !blackfriday Guest
!calc Usage: !calc [number] [+ - * /] [number]
The bot will calc for you. Guest
!dx Usage: !dx [days]
The bot will calc days to xats. Guest
!xd Usage: !xd [xats]
The bot will calc xats to days. Guest
!everymissing Usage: !everymissing [ID/regname]
The bot will calc how many powers left until everypower Guest
!hasmost Usage: !hasmost [power]
The bot will tell you who has the most of this power. Guest
!horoscope Usage: !horoscope
The bot will tell you the horoscope Guest
!lastpower Usage: !lastpower
The bot will tell you the lastpower with its smilies. Guest
!lastseen Usage: !lastseen [ID/regname]
The bot will tell you the last time it saw this user. Guest
!userinfo Usage: !userinfo [ID/regname]
The bot will tell you all information about this user. Guest
!listsmilies Usage: !listsmilies [power]
The bot will give you all smilies of this power. Guest
!love Usage: !love [lover1] &
The bot will tell you how much those lovers are matched. Guest
!powersearch Usage: !powersearch [smiley]
The bot will search from where the smiley is coming . Guest
!dice Usage: !dice
The bot will tell you a random number between 1 and 6. Guest
!bfp Usage: !bfp [power limited]
The bot will tell you how much will be this limited power during blackfriday. Guest
!store Usage: !store [power]
The bot will tell you the store price of the power. Guest
!choose Usage: !choose [option1] or [option2]
The bot will choose between two choices. Guest
!gamebanme Usage: !gamebanme [snake/space/match/maze/code/slot] [hours]
The bot will gameban you. Member
!radio Usage: !radio
The bot tells you the current song. Member
!bump Usage: !bump [ID/regname] [message]
The bot will bump the user with a message. Member
!countdown Usage: !countdown
The bot will give you the countdown until the new power. Member
!google Usage: !google [search]
The bot will search on google for you. Member
!joke Usage: !joke
The bot will send a joke. Member
!mail Usage: !mail [send/read/clear/empty] [user] [info]
The bot will act like a mailbox. Member
!misc Usage: !misc [id/reg/promo] [info]
The bot will search those information for you. Member
!promo Usage: !promo [info]:The bot will tell you what chats are promoted for the language given. Member
!richest Usage: !richest
The bot will tell you who is the richest user in the chat. Member
!search Usage: !search [info]
The bot will search something if someone is talking about it on xat. Member
!shortname Usage: !shortname [name]
The bot will tell you everything about this shortname. Member
!youtube Usage: !youtube [search]
The bot will search something on youtube for you. Member
!users Usage: !users
The bot will tell you how many users are on your chat. Member
!online Usage: !online [ID/Regname/volunteers]
The bot will tell you if the user is online. Member
!kick Usage: !kick [regname/id] [reason]
The bot will kick the user. Moderator
!zap Usage: !zap [ID/regname] [reason]
The bot will zap the user. Moderator
!dunce Usage: !dunce [ID/regname] [reason]
The bot will dunce the user. Moderator
!undunce Usage: !undunce [ID/regname]
The bot will un-dunce the user. Moderator
!naughty Usage: !naughty [ID/regname] [reason]
The bot will naughty the user Moderator
!unnaughty Usage: !naughty [ID/regname]
The bot will un-naughty the user. Moderator
!yellowcard Usage: !yellow [ID/regname] [reason]
The bot will yellowcard the user. Moderator
!unyellowcard Usage: !unyellow [ID/regname]
The bot will un-yellow the user. Moderator
!badge Usage: !badge [ID/regname] [reason]
The bot will badge the user Moderator
!unbadge Usage: !unbadge [ID/regname]
The bot will un-badge the user. Moderator
!gameban Usage: !gameban [snake/space/match/maze/code/slot] [ID/Regname] [hours]
The bot will gameban the user. Moderator
!game Usage: !game [doodlerace/matchrace/snakerace/spacewar/hearts/switch/darts/zwhack/bot/start/times/stop/bye]
The bot will give order to 804. Moderator
!temp Usage: !temp [mem/mod/own] [ID/regname] [time(0-24)]
The bot will temp the user. Owner
!ban Usage: !ban [ID/regname] [time] [reason]
The bot will ban the user. Owner
!unban Usage: !unban [ID/regname]
The bot will unban the user. Owner
!gag Usage: !gag [ID/regname] [reason]
The bot will gag the user. Owner
!mute Usage: !mute [ID/regname] [reason]
The bot will mute the user. Owner
!hush Usage: !hush [mem/mod/own] [time(0-60)]
The bot will hush the chat. Owner
!boot Usage: !boot [ID/regname] [chat] [reason]
The bot will boot the user to the given chat. Owner
!reverse Usage: !reverse [ID/regname] [time] [reason]
The bot will reverse the user. Owner
!cls Usage: !cls
The bot will clear the messages on the chat. Owner
!power Usage: !power [disable/enable/list/cls] [power]
The bot will enable or disable its powers. Owner
!rank Usage: !rank [member/mod/owner] [ID/Regname]
The bot will rank the user. Owner
!started Usage: !started
The bot will tell you since when it is started. Owner
!zip Usage: !zip [ID/regname] [time] [reason]
The bot will zip the user. Owner
!restart Usage: !restart
The bot will be restarted. Owner
!redcard Usage: !red [ID/regname] [time] [reason]
The bot will redcard the user. Owner
!unredcard Usage: !unred [ID/regname]
The bot will un-red the user. Owner
!guestself Usage: !guestself
The bot will guestself. Bot Owner
!edit Usage: !edit [nickname/avatar/homepage/status/nameglow/namecolor/hat/hatcolor...] [info]
The bot will change its informations without using the panel. Bot Owner
!die Usage: !die
The bot will be killed. Bot Owner

As you can see certain commands depend on what rank you are. You can only use the commands which suit your pawn.

This is a picture of the Imperial Bot:


There are 4 different types of pools which have different meaning. These 4 pools are jail, private chambers, DSGHQ, and normally wild central.

Jail - When you get banned you are sent to the Jail pool, this blocks your communication for a certain time, depending on the ban, from the main chat.

Private Chambers - This is a pool for Moderators only, nobody apart from Moderators and Owner can enter this pool. We haven't used this pool yet for anything but I believe we will soon.

Wild Central - This pool spawns in when there are too many users in the main chat. Normally staff are sent here to moderate the pool. This is normally a calm and peaceful pool which not many users go in. If you sign into the chat when this pool is open you will automatically be in there. You can exit by scrolling down to the DSGHQ pool and click on it.

DSGHQ - This is the main chat, this is where normally all the users are in. It is normally very active at 10pm UK time. This is where most of the xat staff are at.

To find the pools simply scroll down where the users names are until you find something which looks like this:


There are some very basic rules which you need to follow. These rules help to control the chat room so everybody can get along with each other in a respectful manner. These rules are found underneath the chat at so if you forget them, scroll down.

The rules are as followed:

1) Do not swear.(this includes cussing in abbreviation)
2) Do not spam .e.g. ssssssssssssss or dhfhdkfnsjfks(this includes smiley spamming as well)
3)Do not flood.(Anymore than 5 messages in a row will count as flood)
4) Respect everyone.(All users in chat)
5)Obey the judgement of staff.( People with white or gold pawns)
6)Do not bully others(This can lead to a ban)
7)Do not advertise( Do not advertise anything inappropriate, any chats, cpps's, armies etc..)
8)Do not beg for promotions( Do not beg for any ranks such as member, moderator knight etc..)

If you want to know what it looks like there is a picture here:

Private Messages/ Private Chats:

If you are new to xat you may not know how to private message someone. It is very straight forward.
1) Scroll down a click a user on the right hand side.
2) Find where it says Private Message and or Private chat.
3) Choose the one you want to do and click it.
4) Send a message.

Private Message - This sends a locked message which only you and the receiver can look at.

Private Chat - This sends a new chat so you and the receiver can chat in.

Private Chat/Private Message Buttons:

Private Chat:

Private Message:

How to play games on xat:

This is very simple to do. All you need to do is go to When it loads up it will bring you to the DSGHQ xat chat. On the left hand side there will be tabs. E.g. The Youtube tab. To play games like find four you will need to click the games tab and open up the game of which you want to play. They normally need 2 players to play. To play with other people simply open up a private chat and go into the game. When the other person starts playing the same game in private chat it will connect both of you together. These tabs include different things.

Games Tab: As it says it includes games.
Space war
Match race
Doodle race
Snake race
4 in a row

Youtube: The youtube tab allows you to watch videos of your choosing. You can watch them by your self of if a member of staff is on you can ask them to broadcast it so that everyone who is watching youtube at the time can see it. You can simply stop the broadcast from changing you video by clicking the key button so that it turns red. To start a video you will need to get a youtube link from youtube. Then you want to click the button next to the key button which looks like rings. Once clicked it will ask you to enter in the link. After that press ok and a video will start up for you. You can change the video at any point and also make it full screen.

Doodle allows you to draw pictures on xat. If anyone else is on doodle it will link you up with them so you can draw together. This is normally quite fun for the users and bring entertainment to them. It allows users to work together. If a fight breaks out over bin spamming etc... Say to the other user(s) that you will draw boxes so that everyone can draw in their own box. This normally calms down if drama occurs.

The translator is only for people who subscribe to xat. It allows you to translate in a different language. The translator is not a thing you really need as not many users from different countries come onto the DSGHQ chat.

Smilies: This tab allows you to use more smilies. The smilies which are given to you on the chat box are only some of the smilies given to you. This tab extends your range of smilies which you can use. You can also buy some smiley powers to extend your range of smilies even further.

Grid: The grid tab shows everyone's icons. If you click on an icon it will bring you to their xatspace which allows them to customise their own page.


Staff List:

Damen Spike


Master of xat pools and moderation:

Imperial Bot

These are the staff of the DSGHQ chat. If I have missed you out please comment below so I can add you to the list. Shout out to Cyberwolf for making the staff list. Go visit his oldcp blog at

now normally you see a message in the message box where you type. These messages tells you what is happening on the DSGHQ. These are very helpful and if you don't know the latest updates, news etc.. there will normally be a message in that box. If there is no news the message will be cleared and nothing will be displayed in that box.


Thank you for viewing my xat tutorial. I have spent a lot of time on this so a like would be amazing! Hopefully you enjoyed this and learned something new or at least found this a little bit helpful. Thanks once again ~Bill

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Unfair xat ban • 13th June 2015, 04:31 AM

ok log in and I will unban you

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Unfair xat ban • 13th June 2015, 04:25 AM

What is your username?

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Unfair xat ban • 13th June 2015, 04:23 AM

What is your username and I will unban you?

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Unfair xat ban • 13th June 2015, 04:22 AM

I never banned you. It must have been bot.

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Reporting bill on xat • 13th June 2015, 04:02 AM

'Bloody' is allowed on xat. For what I have heard that is why I said it.

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in The Wrong Idea Of Hating Moderators • 6th June 2015, 02:28 PM

Yes I agree, new moderators and moderators over all should be treated with the respect they deserve. I believe a lot of people think they deserve moderator which yes may be the case by the people who was promoted earned it that little bit extra. We all have feelings that I believe are valid with or without a rank. Ranks do not make you a more popular or a better person than the people who do not have a rank but in some eyes it does.

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Remove the delete all button!! • 16th May 2015, 03:12 PM

There should be a message which says' Do you want to delete all notifications?' Instead of deleting it.

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Moderator Competition Stage 1 • 15th May 2015, 10:42 PM

Damn I missed it, I fell asleep too early =(. Any congrats! +1

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in I'm back- My Trip • 3rd May 2015, 12:36 AM

Welcome back May! Sounds like you had a great time on your school trip. Have good sleep tonight, you'll need it for the finals this week. 1+

Former Drejk Moderator
1,663 posts
Posted in Archies Funeral? • 3rd May 2015, 12:09 AM

Yes Archie was shot. He was later revived by Princess Dancerbear but Archie ll will still have the powers of Prince. Also it was not a private funeral, the server was full and the throne room was full.