100 posts
Posted in ICEGHOST I SAW HIM • 28th June 2014, 03:23 PM

Woops I accidently double posted sorry

100 posts
Posted in ICEGHOST I SAW HIM • 28th June 2014, 03:22 PM

Nintendo there is no need for caps.

100 posts
Posted in ICEGHOST I SAW HIM • 28th June 2014, 03:21 PM

Nintendo there is no need for caps.

100 posts
Posted in Poitons suggestion • 27th June 2014, 03:23 PM

I also have another suggestion they really should call healers Necromancers cause just think about it they bring ppl back alive like a Necromancer

100 posts
Posted in Cheep & Jesse's Wedding. • 26th June 2014, 03:53 PM

Indigo I'm chef don't forget about me D:

100 posts
Posted in Banker Application 2 • 9th June 2014, 06:48 PM

I have finally noticed the Imperial Bank has opened and a few weeks back I made a application for the rank Banker and I still haven't got my rank even though the Imperial Bank has Opened so I have decided to make a new application
Name: James
Age: 14
What Time Zone: I am EST
Gender: Boy
What will I do if I get this rank
---Protect the money
---Count the money everyday keep track of how much money was left when the user deposited it.
---Never reveal the password that the user has chosen for he/she's bank account
Am I Mature For my Age Low,Average,High
I am mature for my age as I enforce rules and not break them. I am 100% high when it gets serious and average when we start joking around.
I work with my mom at the Bank so I have a lot of experience with money I also help with the patients since some of them are confused about there account.
I also count the money 3 times before i'm am positive that the loan is correct.]
Why I want this rank
I have always wanted to be a Banker Teller since I was a little kid when my mom got the job and I have looked up and followed her foot steps I also think this would be great practice for me
so I can prepare when I get my job.

If you have any concerns/questions leave a time and date for a meeting on Oldcp and I will be there as soon as possible.
Choco R Cow

Sign Off Date: 6/9/2014 5:50PM

100 posts
Posted in Team Moo Moo (Info) • 31st May 2014, 09:20 PM

Guys the try-outs are tomorrow 4:00 EST at /jr dan on Oldcp

100 posts
Posted in Team Moo Moo (Info) • 31st May 2014, 05:55 PM

Hello guys ChocoCow here! I'll be making a new team called Team Moo Moo!


Try-outs: Sunday June 1st 4:00 EST at /jr dan

Uniform: Head 407 Neck 179 Body 4420 Feet 6104

Channel: Team Moo Moo

Spots left: 18

Leaders: ChocoCow Captain LoneWolf: Co-Captain

Base: /jr dan

That is all the info for Team Moo Moo! We hope to see you tomorrow and ........ moo on!

100 posts
Posted in The Interview Episode 4 • 29th May 2014, 08:53 PM

Welcome back to another episode of The Interview!

Our special guest today is..... Cheep!

Lets get Started!

First Friend!

Forum Goal

Become a Knight (Achieved)

Favorite place on Oldcp




Favorite Rank


Favorite Person on Forum


That Concludes the 4th episode of The Interview!


Tofu/Salsa! in charge of pics!

Thank you Cheep for the amazing Interview!

If you would like to be in the next episode of The Interview comment down/PM me

you're Oldcp username and forum name and I might pick you!

Stay tuned for the next episode and........ Moo on!

100 posts
Posted in Guess the User • 28th May 2014, 06:27 PM

Medalwolf122? I believe this is
Congrats sir you have won my Guess the User :)

100 posts
Posted in Application -Banker (ChocoCow) • 28th May 2014, 06:22 PM

Hello today I will be applying for the rank Banker!

Lets get started!

Why I want this rank?

I would like this rank because I am the best in math for my class! I also think this is the perfect job for me since I wanna be a bank teller when i grow up!

Would I ever abuse my powers/steal the money?

I would never steal the money/abuse my powers cause I know the users have worked hard for the gold and I never steal cause I think it is wrong!


I have a lot of experience with money since I count my money everyday! I also help my mom at the bank since she is a bank teller and I have lived up to become one!

Have I ever miss counted money?

Yes I have but I now count my money 3 times before being sure!

How good am I at math?

I am really good at math I can multiply, divide, subtract, add and I can do algebra!
I also passed my math state test and got a level 3 which means I got a medal!


That has been my Banker application! I hope you enjoyed it! ~ChocoCow

100 posts
Posted in Guess the User • 28th May 2014, 05:04 PM

Welcome to Guess the user!

How it Works
Guess the User is a game on the forums where a person
Shall give you hints and you need to narrow it down to the right user!

Lets get started!


He/She's name begins with: M!

He/She's name ends with 122!

He/She's name has 2 words in it!

He/She wears Pink Fuzzy Boots!

He/She has 9 letters in He/She's name

He/She has 3 numbers in her name!

That is all the hints for this Guess the User!

Keep on Guessing and keep on trying cause that's what this

game is all about!

100 posts
Posted in The Interview Episode 3 • 27th May 2014, 06:32 PM

Welcome back to the 3rd episode of The Interview!

I'm you're host.... ChocoCow!

Today is a special day for I will be Interviewing..... Terry

Lets get started!

First Friend

Tennis and Bob!

Forum Goal

3000 posts, 2000 rep!

Favorite place


Good at

Typing, Moderating, working and writing!

Favorite color

Light Blue!

Favorite rank


Favorite person on forum

Tennis, Bob and best friends on list!

That concludes the 3rd episode of The Interview!


Salsa/Tofu in charge of pics!

Terry91! Thank you for wonderful interview!

How to be in the next episode

If you would like to be in the next episode of

The Interview remember to comment below you're

forum/Oldcp user or you apply by PM and...... Moo on!

100 posts
Posted in What is Memorial Day • 25th May 2014, 01:45 PM

Happy Memorial day! I would like to make a brief explanation of what is Memorial Day.
Lets get started!

Memorial Day is a day to remember the people who severed our country.They gave there lives for our freedom. Please stand for a moment of silence to remember our hero's who severed our country.

How Memorial Day Started

Started in the year following the Civil War to remember those who lost in the saddest war in US history.The holiday wasn't always called Memorial Day back then people called it Decoration Day before gradually becoming known as Memorial Day. It became a official federal holiday in 1971.

How Memorial Day is Today

Since the Civil War millions have lost there lives severing in our military home and abroad. Many have never came back losing there lives in battlefields in Europe, Southeast Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places around the globe. Today we celebrate Memorial Day by parades, festivals, feasts and other fun activities. But lets never forget what Memorial Day is truly about.

Hopefully you learned something from this and ...... Moo on!


100 posts
Posted in Guess the User • 24th May 2014, 01:58 PM

I'lll take a guess.... Rosie?

Congrats Oblivion and all the other contestants!

The answer was..... Rosie!