Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Guess the person! • 19th April 2015, 06:21 AM

Is a boy starts with a T and ends in a 91?

Can you guess the player?
If you can I'll give you a shout out in my YouTube vids!

Leave a comment saying what person you think it is!
And if you get it right I will say (name) You got it right it was (who ever it was)
But then you guys can't say or guess and more!

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Mods need to step up • 18th April 2015, 07:54 AM

I haven't been online okay! sorry for if I'm being harsh.

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Mods need to step up • 18th April 2015, 07:53 AM

I'm ending this dussicion

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in BEING HARASSED BY A USER • 18th April 2015, 07:42 AM

Oh I'm sorry!
I didn't know but thanks for telling me!

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Mods need to step up • 18th April 2015, 07:32 AM

Please dont dislike my posts I try to do the best I can.

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Imperial knight appliction • 18th April 2015, 07:28 AM

I agree with Cyrus your post needs to be longer and not just say I wanna be it because I wanna keep oldcp safe THINK girl I believe in you u just gotta......use that brain

This is not a mean post I just wanna get that out there. When I used a app to become princess I took more time to really think why I wanted to be this and make a much longer app. So people can really under stand why and actually think she would really be good at it
Oldcp princess

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Mods need to step up • 18th April 2015, 07:19 AM

Mods NEED to. Step this up!People are going to join then leave because they might get bullied and that would hurt them so they would leave.

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Mods need to step up • 18th April 2015, 07:15 AM

Staff need to step up a little due to the lack of so much bullying we have been getting a lot of reports. Staff you might need to stop playing stupid dress up games and hide and seek and watch out for bullying. This is not a good thing to happen because we might (this is for u Damen) loose some of our popularity.

oldcp princess

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Goodbye, DSGHQ! :) • 18th April 2015, 07:09 AM

Jilly wrote on 18th April 2015 07:05 AM:
he reason you told us about the moderators aren't doing their jobs is really true. I hope this community gets better and safer, i will see you soon. I wish you a goodbye Toby.


I agree Jilly the community has been failing due to the lack of bullying I hope this all stops soon.

Oldcp princess

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Lily99's gif HELP • 18th April 2015, 07:05 AM

Why hello lily nice to see you here!

:D. ~maddie44279~
Oldcp princess

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in BEING HARASSED BY A USER • 18th April 2015, 07:00 AM

I would tell the person to stop (check!)
I would tell them if they don't stop I will report them (X)
I would then tell a staff member or make a forums report (check!)

This is a very nice and excellent report. I think the player will soon get banned. I'm sorry for the person actions and how it affected you oldcp penguin and your friend.


Oldcp princess :D

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Goodbye, DSGHQ! :) • 18th April 2015, 06:49 AM

And while your away I will think of you. And I will remember the memories of all of us penguins And the wonderful


Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Goodbye, DSGHQ! :) • 18th April 2015, 06:47 AM

I will miss you Toby and I'm sorry what you have seen and heard but while your gone I will forever treasure you in my head and most of all my heart :D


Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Are u sad?? • 17th April 2015, 08:29 PM

Jacks Oakley wrote on 17th April 2015 08:25 PM:
Emma120 said on 17th April 2015 08:24 PM:
oh mk I have a Answer to u Awesome Ameila tell your Parents I'll show you its Great game theres kindness and more compasshion I hear And you show them me at the town Being nice to all I can Handle ur parents And I will Tell them! That all these things are great!

don't rub it in swory got angry

Always Believe even at tough times <3
234 posts
Posted in Are u sad?? • 17th April 2015, 08:14 PM

I am sad because I can't play oldcp and more D: my parents say its viruses my computer D: so I just wanted to say bye Plz help!