Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Fashion of the week! • 21st July 2014, 08:25 AM

Okay I will be doing Fashion of the week! I will choose the fashion thats just AWESOME or is popular you all need to make FAB outfits if you want to win the winner gets 87 gold good luck also we do runners up they get 20 gold good luck and have fun making outfits ;)
I made one called /outfit greenpopper Try it if you like it :)

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Fashion of the week! • 20th July 2014, 03:13 PM

Okay I will be doing Fashion of the week! I will choose the fashion thats just AWESOME or is popular you all need to make FAB outfits if you want to win the winner gets 87 gold good luck also we do runners up they get 20 gold good luck and have fun making outfits ;)
/outfit Purpul, I made it and some people are wearing it.

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Bossy Mods • 20th July 2014, 03:08 PM

True, strict moderators keep Oldcp in perfect balance, but they don't need to be bossy all the time. Don't you ever wonder if they were in a bad mood that day? The mods are working hard and they sometimes get stressed. But sometimes the moderators are unreasonably rude. Keep in mind that moderators are just like us! The mods never changed, and they never will. :)

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Copying • 20th July 2014, 01:09 PM

And I wonder why this discussion isn't locked O-O

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Change Gender Day! • 20th July 2014, 08:14 AM

Well I am doing Change Gender Day tomorrow for me and if you want to join your welcome the thing is when its Change Gender Day you be the girl/boy for a day if your a boy be a girl if your a girl be a boy for a day it will be fun :P You can wear what ever you want boys who turn into girls need to wear girl clothes and girls who turn into boys need to wear boy clothes it will be weird :P Comment if you want to do it v.
I love change gender day :D

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Helping Commands! • 19th July 2014, 05:17 PM

Ok, Some people are having problems with the bold, link, quote, code, that stuff! Well, i'm here to help!

Don't forget, space before and after your words!

First: bold this is what you say: you put b in the middle of [ ]. Than type a word and say the same thing, but with a / before b and after [! (word/sentence) put it together and you got bold!

Second: Italic! this is how: You do the same thing as bold but with an i! ( (words) )

Third: Under Line! This is the same thing as number 1 and 2! ((words))

Forth: Line across It's the same as 1,2 and 3!! (words) (usually Banned)

This is just moving the words! You say: [ then Left ] then words and [ /left ]!
(words you wanna move)
This is really helpful 1+

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Sadie's Birthday • 19th July 2014, 05:14 PM

Hey there! Now, today, I am mentioning a very special penguin's name in honor of their birthday. Say Happy Birthday to Sadie, the Birthday Girl!

Sadie is a well thought-out individual who in my mind one of most influential penguins here in the whole Community. I first remember Sadie as a penguin who stopped at nothing to finish something, and in my mind she would become an amazing penguin who would use her skills to help the Community see what could be accomplished.

Sadie made the cut and earned both Forums and OldCp Moderator, and has always been the one to give me and many others the courage and strength in tough times. She was Moderator for months until she was demoted for a reason that is no longer necessary to explain. It was a small mistake she made, but she is still the most amazing friend I could ever have.

Anyway, Sadie is a legend and always will be. This is a picture of Sadie a little while ago, but she will always be beautiful inside and out:

Finally, I wanted to make a little limerick for Sadie to show how special she is:

Sadie has a quality like glue.

She uses it to fix me and you.

With a heart made of gold,

She will never feel old,

She is the laces to all of our shoes.

This is the legend of Sadie the Positive Queen. She is a special and beautiful girl who touched us all. Make sure to send here a message saying Happy Birthday to her, cause' she deserves to have a crammed mailbox full of thoughtful messages. Happy Birthday Sadie, the greatest who ever lived. (Metaphorically)
This is so thoughtful :) 1+ Happy B-day Sadie!

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in tacofun only • 19th July 2014, 04:55 PM

ok lol now idk what to do
We weren't being rude, our advice was similar to Tabi's but you decided that we were mean and jumped to conclusions. All we said was we need proof it wasn't you and PM Tacofun instead of using a whole forums section.

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in all copying • 19th July 2014, 04:49 PM

Agreed,copying apps is one thing but copying outfits? C'mon guys just put a password for your outfit and you should be fine! Don't overreact about people copying your outfit,and for the copying apps thing just tell a mod
Exactly! People read Damen's post but probably ignored the password command! My god, if we're going to make discussions, let's make lots of them but different subjects.

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Copying! • 19th July 2014, 03:12 PM

It's Starwolf XD. Just needed you to know I am not a Sunwolf imposter Pots
I meant sonny like how elderly women say son or something XD

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Copying! • 19th July 2014, 03:07 PM

Hey guys Star here! I know I am double posting but someone just copied my applciation and justc hanged the name and the begging part. I know I am double psoting but this is major I hate being copied so here is what he did.

Thats what he copied :P

Hey guys derps here! Today I am applying for moderator. Since I already applied for Forums Mod. I wanted to apply for ingame moderator. Though you can't do it anymore I just want to apply for fun because you can't always win. But if I don't get the rank I can always win the comp! So lets get this application started!

Name: xderpsx

Age: 14

Exprience: I have been on oldcp for one year and the forums for 9 months. So I am a exprienced user on oldcp and the forums. And I have been going for moderator since I first joined oldcp. So I hope you like it!


Hello Damen Star here! Today I am applying for moderator! I know you said i'm most likely to be premoted after PenguinDsc. But I want to see if this application could get me premoted. Because this would be a honour to me. But if I don't get premoted I can win the moderator comp. or earn it the hard way if I have to. So I hope you enjoy this application.

Why I Want This Rank.

I want this rank because becoming a moderator is my goal on oldcp and the forums. So becoming a moderator would be amazing for me. Many people think I should be a mod and most of my reccomenders have been mods. I was happy for them but then they got demoted. So I want to make them proud along with my family friends and others. Because I have been trying to earn moderator for a year and already I may have a chance. It seems like I joined yesterday and now Bam I might be a moderator.

What I Would Do

Whenever I see someone bullying another I would break up the fight and give the bully a warning. Because a warning is better then a unrecgonized kick. But if the bully continues to bully I would send him to jail and tell him why he was sent. But if the bully comes back I would ban him because of what he has done.

How Would I Handle This Rank.

I would handle this rank like it's a admin! I would be online a lot. So I can help keep the site safer. Even when it's late at night I would be online because no moderators are online that time. So i would handle the rank like it's the real deal because I would NOT showoff my powers because I would get demoted!

How Would I Be A Role Model.

I would handle this rank like it's a admin! I would be online a lot. So I can help keep the site safer. Even when it's late at night I would be online because no moderators are online that time. So i would handle the rank like it's the real deal because I would NOT showoff my powers because I would get demoted!

What This Rank Means To Me.

This rank means a lot to me. I would always do what Damen would tell me because I could get demoted if I don't listen. I cherish this rank a lot and I want to help out each moderator admin and other users. If I am going to be inactive for a little while I would pm Damen and the mods. I would also make a mood and psot about it. Because if I go offline for unknown reasons I may get demoted!


Well Damen! This has been my Moderator Application I worked really hard on this application and wrote it down which took forever. I had to take out some things with the written copy so anyways I hope you like this application!
Don't worry Sonny, we know how hard you worked on it. We will do something about xderpx, I'm sure of it.

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Copying! • 19th July 2014, 03:03 PM

Then why did you DISLIKE my post?
He told you why, he accidentally clicked it. Please forgive him.

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Sting's Icon • 19th July 2014, 02:51 PM

I'm sure Sting will love this! I like how you made a bright spot on top of him, it makes him look like he's the chosen one XD 1+

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in Tired of getting copied? • 19th July 2014, 02:49 PM


Many people have been reporting how they dilike getting copied. I get it, it gets on your nerves. So! Many of you dont know, but theres a feature to avoid that!

When /outfit was created, there was a password feature, so nobody accesses your outfit,except you! To add a password to an existing outfit (that you made) say /outfit (outfit name here) (password here)

To add a password to a new outfit in which you are saving, type /save (outfit name here) (password here).

I hope this helps! Give this a like if it helps, and comment your thoughts on this subject.


Mail me via forums if you need help or have questions! ;)
Finally! Someone points out that you can put a password on your outfit. But someone was also talking about how their posts get stolen, how do they deal with that? 1+

Wow-ie Ka-ZOW
459 posts
Posted in making girl accounts • 19th July 2014, 02:43 PM

hi guys today I'm gonna try to make girl accounts for you guys I thought it would be nice so I'm gonna make one for mirai and Cpys so in the meantime see you guys at sundown byeeeee
That's really nice, but I don't think you should do it. People can make their own accounts. Maybe you can give out name ideas for people making new accounts 1+ For the nice offer.