Posted in
DSGHQ Spring Ball
3rd April 2015, 01:23 AM
Ugh.. I'll be there my outfits turn out hideous, hey, dont blame me, I'm not geek of fashion.. im nerdy and I know it
So I'll be there alone but ok I'll attend BUT I'm VERY ill with the flu,puking and etc
See y'all there lovelies. I'm so happy to see all your snazzy darling outfits as always
Bye lovelies
So I'll be there alone but ok I'll attend BUT I'm VERY ill with the flu,puking and etc
See y'all there lovelies. I'm so happy to see all your snazzy darling outfits as always
Bye lovelies
Posted in
Moderator Application!
2nd April 2015, 08:56 PM
matthewvacc wrote on 2nd April 2015 08:52 PM:
Excellent application, but I believe you have to become a Master to apply for a Moderator position
You do NOT have to become master to apply, it would be best but you don't.. Therefore she is fine
Nice application other wise!
Posted in
Basically My Opinion
2nd April 2015, 12:29 PM
Hi. Today I am just stating my opinion..
So I feel as if most popular people get more attention than others. Or maybe the same thing as Damen.. They'd get like 46 likes on a post; here's what I pretty much mean
... And me .... ( I'm not popular) But this is me...
(PS; sorry I haven't done Cool Cooper News in a while, I'm super busy)
And if I were to spam snowballs, I get kicked or warned. Somebody else "lol spamming snowballs LOL" And then mods do nothing about it -__-
Also, at the fashion show, mods basically only picked popular people.. nice going...
or they might even get a rank
Posted in
Hacking me (GeorgieLove)
1st April 2015, 02:40 PM
May23 wrote on 1st April 2015 01:49 PM:
Well, from what you told me, you told your sister the password and your sister leaked. You are NEVER to share you password, even if it is someone you trust, for that reason. I arrested your sister because she confessed, yet the problem with telling someone your password is the risk of getting "hacked."
All I can tell you is, contact Damen to change your password. If you can't, either use you hacked account and risk it being banned, or create a new account with a new password and don't tell anyone- I can arrest the hacked account of yours if you chose to do so.
All I can tell you is, contact Damen to change your password. If you can't, either use you hacked account and risk it being banned, or create a new account with a new password and don't tell anyone- I can arrest the hacked account of yours if you chose to do so.
Therefore this problem is over, nothing to worry about because May seemed to solve this problem. As May say, do NOT share your password, even if it's a close relative
Posted in
Ella my umbrella! -.- (song)
31st March 2015, 07:41 PM
LoveMincraft wrote on 31st March 2015 08:57 AM:
Amy Rose said on 30th March 2015 11:17 PM:
LoveMincraft said on 30th March 2015 11:14 PM:
Well, there's this song and 1 of the lines are super annoying because my names Ella, and the person mostly sings "Ella my umbrella Ella Ella Ay Ay under my umbrella!" omg this song gets on my nerves so much -.- Heres the song
lol i kinda like the song its catchy
*snaps fingers and moves side to side lol
Allie said on 30th March 2015 11:22 PM:
I liked this song at first, it just got boring after that phase. Oh,
Ella, ella, ella....
Wait, never-mind. It's so catchy "Ella ella ella"
Thrus said on 30th March 2015 11:42 PM:
I think it's because her name irl IS Ella (at least that's what she told me) And "umbrella ELLA ELLA " Old if I'm right if that's why it's annoying.. And wow Rihanna was so innocent back then now it all about boys and rap and.... let's just say dirty stuff
matthewvacc said on 31st March 2015 12:27 AM:
Lmao that song was hilarious. post more, post more *chants to self*
SirSpiral said on 31st March 2015 01:19 AM:
Lol nice song...
Its not really my type though..
But still good choice!
It gets annoying when you sisters sing it 24/7 in your face -.-
LoveMincraft said on 30th March 2015 11:14 PM:
Well, there's this song and 1 of the lines are super annoying because my names Ella, and the person mostly sings "Ella my umbrella Ella Ella Ay Ay under my umbrella!" omg this song gets on my nerves so much -.- Heres the song
lol i kinda like the song its catchy
*snaps fingers and moves side to side lol
Allie said on 30th March 2015 11:22 PM:
I liked this song at first, it just got boring after that phase. Oh,
Ella, ella, ella....
Wait, never-mind. It's so catchy "Ella ella ella"
Thrus said on 30th March 2015 11:42 PM:
I think it's because her name irl IS Ella (at least that's what she told me) And "umbrella ELLA ELLA " Old if I'm right if that's why it's annoying.. And wow Rihanna was so innocent back then now it all about boys and rap and.... let's just say dirty stuff
matthewvacc said on 31st March 2015 12:27 AM:
Lmao that song was hilarious. post more, post more *chants to self*
SirSpiral said on 31st March 2015 01:19 AM:
Lol nice song...
Its not really my type though..
But still good choice!
It gets annoying when you sisters sing it 24/7 in your face -.-
Omg lol. Hi Ella my umbrella Ella Ella Ella. Oh Ella is a cut name My name ( Kourtney ) is ugly
Posted in
dsghq choice awards
31st March 2015, 07:39 PM
Wow I just started a whole conversation about most active LOL good for yeeeeeww all (if you watch PewdiePie you might understand *Kim Kardashian game he played before XP*)
Posted in
Fail Of April Fool's Joke.
31st March 2015, 01:52 PM
... hmmmm. yeaa I didn't understand until adawg posted it was basically obvious but ok
Posted in
Ella my umbrella! -.- (song)
31st March 2015, 12:14 AM
Allie wrote on 30th March 2015 11:59 PM:
Thrus said on 30th March 2015 11:56 PM:
Yes, I am allie. In fact that was my first ever account on Oldcp but yes, I am
When did you join? What inspired you to have that name?
Yes, I am allie. In fact that was my first ever account on Oldcp but yes, I am
When did you join? What inspired you to have that name?
Umm I don't remember EXACTLY when I joined but it was probably.... err August 2013 orrrr 14 Honestly don't remember.. And I got the name Thrus by omg lol it's kinda funny but when I was 3 and 5 (2 year relationship...) my brothers girlfriend always used to say "thrus thrus thrus!!!!) and I found it funny and it was cute memories Lol his girlfriend was weird.... yea...
Posted in
Ella my umbrella! -.- (song)
30th March 2015, 11:56 PM
Yes, I am allie. In fact that was my first ever account on Oldcp but yes, I am
Posted in
dsghq choice awards
30th March 2015, 11:54 PM
... You seriously just rewarded yourself lmao ok then.
Posted in
Ella my umbrella! -.- (song)
30th March 2015, 11:42 PM
I think it's because her name irl IS Ella (at least that's what she told me) And "umbrella ELLA ELLA " Old if I'm right if that's why it's annoying.. And wow Rihanna was so innocent back then now it all about boys and rap and.... let's just say dirty stuff
Posted in
Cool Cooper News! 3/30/15 #3
30th March 2015, 06:59 PM
Hello and welcome to... Cool Cooper News! #3 Lets get to it
Today around 12:00 - 12:30 EST// 3:00 AM or 3:30 AM PST// 1:00 AM CST or 1:30 AM CST. (included other time zones) We had 2 games. We did Hide and Go Seek with Chelsey and May23 (she took over) and We had to find Hexa, Goldenone, LoveMincraft and Mary ( I don't know the full username) And then Hide and Go Seek was over and we did Simon Says with Terry91 and ScreenHog (Gamer) here's a photo ( ).The photo shows us in Shrek outfits loving Chelsey, the Emperor Helper and the Princess. That was our games!
Our sessions. We had a session at 5:00 EST I believe//8:00 AM PST ?? // 6:00 AM CST ?? Sorry I honestly don't know I came late. So if you were there, please reply saying what happened and I'll add it in xD ...
There was a wedding Bluelights and wowmuchgamez i think.. Here is a photo ( )
There was a council at 6:00 for the Moderators I believe.
Well that's all for today! See you all tomorrow!