Posted in
Mrlion D:
22nd August 2014, 02:27 PM
He did it because Roberto was displeasing him. And besides, it was on Xat. People swear in the real world, but it isn't worth letting your friendship with that person crumble. Because soon you'll see that friendships of which are worth your while can't just be made out of the dust.
Posted in
Mrlion D:
22nd August 2014, 04:57 AM
MrLion was forgiven and now is successfully unbanned, can a member of staff now lock this discussion.
Posted in
Quitting or taking a break
21st August 2014, 08:01 PM
You're a great person, and very uplifting. It's sad to see someone so wonderful leave. But let's just hope for the best.
Posted in
Quitting or taking a break
21st August 2014, 07:59 PM
What do they say to you? You can PM me if you feel comfortable.
You need and you deserve this break, and unless you see no point in logging on anymore, you may do as you please. We won't hold you back from your well-being, but we also wish to teach you how to thrive while dealing with these things.
You need and you deserve this break, and unless you see no point in logging on anymore, you may do as you please. We won't hold you back from your well-being, but we also wish to teach you how to thrive while dealing with these things.
Posted in
Mrlion D:
21st August 2014, 03:14 AM
He goes through a lot of problems, so that may be the reason why he had blown up on Roberto.
Posted in
Tinychat banned again
21st August 2014, 02:56 AM
I didn't understand the commotion involving Tinychat at first, but now I can see clearly... that is highly unacceptable.
To the ones who are confused/disapproving of Tinychat being banned, you may use it privately, but you're not allowed to publicly advertise a chat in the DSGHQ.
To the ones who are confused/disapproving of Tinychat being banned, you may use it privately, but you're not allowed to publicly advertise a chat in the DSGHQ.
Posted in
Drawing!: Dean Winchester
19th August 2014, 10:36 PM
dean you're beautiful
Posted in
Attention Seeking
31st July 2014, 07:06 PM
I for one think cutting is stupid. It's basicly trying to get attention. Instead go get help from like a doctor cutting your self wont make life good at all. But what harry did was just stupid -.- no ofense harry...
What a way to lower someone's self-esteem.
But anyways, you shouldn't judge the people who are enacting self-harm without becoming more familiar with it yourself, or at least viewing it from the person's perspective.
Some things aren't as simple as they're cracked up to be. You have to come to understand that at some point in life.
Posted in
Attention Seeking
31st July 2014, 04:06 PM
I for one think cutting is stupid. It's basicly trying to get attention. Instead go get help from like a doctor cutting your self wont make life good at all. But what harry did was just stupid -.- no ofense harry...
Cutting isn't stupid to some people. Self-harm is how a lot of people release their mental stress if it goes too far, and I prefer you not to insult something a lot of people have been through before you've been through it yourself.
But yeah, I agree; Harry should not be lying about harming himself. Especially since it's a trigger to many.
If I was through that pain I'd pray to god. I wouldent be posting pictures of my cutting my self. Self harm is serious. But It doesent do any thing for you! Get a friend for help goto a doctor. Ask an adult. You can do all those things. Cutting digs you down even deeper. there is no reason people should be commiting sucide. My cuzzin's friend commited sucide and shes heart broken. Self harm is stupid to me. I'm not saying the people that do cut are stupid. But what they are doing is stupid.
Some people are not religious. Sometimes praying to God won't do anything. Someday you may learn that you can't wait for God to help you, but you have to help yourself.
And cutting, like I said, releases the stress of the people who are committing self-harm.
But then again, people have different ways of healing their mental state. It all depends on their stability.
Posted in
Attention Seeking
31st July 2014, 02:32 PM
I for one think cutting is stupid. It's basicly trying to get attention. Instead go get help from like a doctor cutting your self wont make life good at all. But what harry did was just stupid -.- no ofense harry...
Cutting isn't stupid to some people. Self-harm is how a lot of people release their mental stress if it goes too far, and I prefer you not to insult something a lot of people have been through before you've been through it yourself.
But yeah, I agree; Harry should not be lying about harming himself. Especially since it's a trigger to many.
Posted in
How Come...?
26th July 2014, 02:26 AM
The fakers have so much to learn about real depression lmfao.
Yeah, some people don't realize depression is not a fun thing to have. They think it's a joke....
Yes... I despise those kinds of people.
Posted in
How Come...?
26th July 2014, 02:13 AM
There's so much to learn about true phases where you feel interlocked with depression, although there are many different views over it.
Posted in
How Come...?
24th July 2014, 10:49 PM
I am really sad sometimes in OldCP. Sometimes when I want to talk to anyone, they just don't talk to me. I feel really invisible when that happens. Then no one talks to me.
I'm always here if you want to talk to someone, please consider it.