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14 posts
Posted in Oldcp Down :( • 20th August 2014, 03:39 PM

I tried to get on old cp just right now but i would not let me sadly :( When I got on this is what popped up >> After that i got on Forums and sadly i saw the news that Damen created a discussion about :( I am so sad about this. Oldcp should not be shut down at all it was not copy right at all.Old cp is way better than The original Club Penguin.I am really frustrated sad and disappointed.But thank you guys so much for my great experience on Oldcp while it lasted.I will totally continue being on forums, and i hope oldcp will be open up once again :)
Thank all of you guys so much
Love you all :)

Funfox :)

14 posts
Posted in Jail! • 6th August 2014, 09:44 PM

Love it! I hope it gets chosen its awesome!

14 posts
Posted in Back to school! • 6th August 2014, 12:18 PM

Hey Funfox again! Well for a lot of you school is coming right around the corner. For me its in about three weeks or so. Just want to give a reminder that if you wanna get cheep school supplies, make sure to go shopping for them on on tax free days! Well if you live in Texas that is. Tax fee weekend in Texas is August 8-10

Thanks again just wanted to give you a friendly reminder! :)

14 posts
Posted in Logging on Trouble • 5th August 2014, 02:32 AM

When will oldcp work again? Because im waiting! Please give us our Oldcp back!

14 posts
Posted in Banning Self Promotion • 4th August 2014, 03:06 AM

Recently on forums people have been self promoting. And a lot of people thinks it's wrong and really annoying. I talked with someone and she said everyone was self promoting there Mod app. every 10 seconds. Me personally am on both sides. It does get pretty annoying once in a while. But on the other hand it is pretty interesting to see all the different mod apps.

Well tell me what you think down below :D id like to see your thoughts on this one.

14 posts
Posted in Blizzards back! • 3rd August 2014, 11:06 PM

Well i'm happy to say Blizzards BACK! I'm so happy! Having a lot of fun here are some screen shots of what i'm doing to far! Its really fun got to hang out with trolls. Get interviewed.and hang out with friends. Here are some pictures.

The trolls >>>

Friend selfie>>

Snowball server>>>>

Thanks for a great time!

Shouout to- Terry91, Minty,The trolls, Sophiebear,PalmTrees, and

14 posts
Posted in Server blizzard down? • 3rd August 2014, 07:31 PM

Hey! Idk whats happening but... The server Blizzard keeps on crashing on me for some reason ;/
Well i'd really like blizzard back because in snowball people keep on killing you. So i hope this problem gets fixed soon because you can barely chat and not as many people.

Please Fix!

Here are some screen shots i got>>>>>>

Tell me what you think about this in the comments down below! ;D

14 posts
Posted in Its a Fake ;/ • 3rd August 2014, 05:06 PM

All of those comments are all very true. But alot of people are making fake accounts. Thanks for letting me know what you think about this.:)

14 posts
Posted in Its a Fake ;/ • 3rd August 2014, 01:25 PM

Well as you all know Scarlet is banned. But this other account faked it and said a awful word to a mod. I got a screen shot, but we all know that this is for sure a fake. Shes coming back for more trouble because she did not get all three bans Yet!

Here is the screen shot. Scarlet was seen in the town.

She came back! But she did add a 1 to the end of the name.

Well i guess Twiight does no harm? ;D

14 posts
Posted in Is there 2 Chexxie's? • 3rd August 2014, 02:02 AM

Well I for one thing think its just a glitch.. But why is there two chexxie's? Just a thought. Anyone know what this is? If so comment down below :D vvvvvvvv

14 posts
Posted in Bullying and being friendly • 1st August 2014, 02:00 PM

Bullying and Cyber-Bullying both are really bad. Thank you for making this post, and reminding people that bullying is bad. I will watch the video, and edit what I thought of it. :)

Edit: I watched the video, it was truly touching. I am crying, tears of joy. It reminds me of myself. My friend wrote every word of that down last year. She gave it to me. That video, touching. If you are thinking about watching it (this goes for anyone) you should. It is amazing.

Glad you watched it. And yes, it is truly touching! -Funfox

14 posts
Posted in Bullying and being friendly • 1st August 2014, 01:34 AM

Hello fourm members! Its Funfox here!

I just wanted to talk a little bit about bullying bullying is an awful thing. Especially cyber bullying in fact every type of bullying is awful! i just wanted to share a quick video that i found on a little web site called YouTube. This video is made by Shane Koyczan he makes awesome videos and i would take a moment to subscribe to his channel because this video show a lot about bullying. So please watch this and think about how you can stop bullying and stop being a bystander!

Thank you!

14 posts
Posted in My Moderatior Application • 31st July 2014, 01:11 AM


Hello moderators and Administrators My name is Avax I am looking forward to becoming a Moderator or Administrator like you amazing people! I hope you like my application and see that i have the strengths and the effort to become a strong helpful mod! So just look and see that i think i have the work ethic to become a strong mod just like you guys!

Name age and about me:
I'm going into 8th grade so i am 13 but will be turning 14 in July, My name is Avax and i think i can be a fabulous mod! I have a sense of humor but can be very serious as well. Along my tremendous years of being on i have learned the ways to truly become a mod and have been a wizard member for about a month now.I know my way around old cp and have been still helpful by answering questions for people who need help. I tend to love to be a leader and my grammar is on spot ;). As you can tell by my app i am very helpful and loving i am also a very good teacher and look forward to being a mod.
I have been asked one to be a co-leader for a group its basically like moderating making sure everyone's doing every thing right being understandable with grammar.Ive also been helping out people on with with questions and just trying to do the best i can.Also I have have been working really hard on thing for about 8 months now and i have been around since v6, Until was later shut down...But later got put back up.. Since then i have been working hard and helping a lot around oldcp
Ever broken any rules?:
Yes indeed i have, But i have learned from my foolish mistakes and learned to never make them again. I am being truthful that i have learned from them and i will never do it again.

Will i respect everyone in every each way?:
Yes if course, i will totally make sure of it! In-fact, i will respect everyone who comes on Oldcp i will not be rude in any way. I will be respectful and kind. But an or kick arrest etc. anyone who disrespects anyone in any mean way.I will be super loving and follow the rules everyday i promise!

Other Reasons:
1. I have outstanding grammar
2. i am very helpful and respectful
3. i know the code of banning and ipban and kicks
And i am very nice and kind i always help others i help my teachers all the time at school i get on for like 8:00 A.M to 5:00 AM i always stay and moderate and help a lot whenever mods are not online. I also am studding Spanish and my whole family is Mexican and i also have a friend who can help me out with Portuguese a language founded in Brazil. And also very fluent in English ;) XD. I know my way all around I am a big help with answering questions.I always follow the rules and respect people in all ways!I also fight against bulling and hate it! I go by the golden rule which is "treat others the way you want to be treated" i always go by that rule! I, myself, believe, i would be a decent and good mod because of my kindness and able to respect and speak Spanish and Portuguese and my outstanding grammar!

Thank you!
Moderators/administrators thank you so much for reading my Moderator application it means so much to me that you took your time to read this! This took me an hour to make! I hope you see that I have the strengths to become a mod! ILY YOU GUYS SO MUCH THANK YOU!

-Avax AKA Funfox