272 posts
Posted in Funniest 2 Pictures of me. • 20th August 2015, 08:13 PM

Pista wrote on 20th August 2015 07:39 PM:
My penguin is fattest them all.

but but.. little hash is so wide hes fat ;o

272 posts
Posted in Apology • 20th August 2015, 08:08 PM

Im sorry that you lost the battle of them. Its okay. I hope you rest in pie on your other account! R.I.P Cheep, you were a great commander. I wish mickey didnt exist so there were no more BH'S. I am very sorry for you. It is okay.

272 posts
Posted in Funniest 2 Pictures of me. • 20th August 2015, 06:41 PM

Amandapink30 wrote on 20th August 2015 06:32 PM:
This could have been better in a mood.

Holy cow, I'm fat when I say /safety.

Ik, but i wanted to show the pics so people wouldn't have to be lazy just clicking the links instead of looking at the picture. :/

272 posts
Posted in Funniest 2 Pictures of me. • 20th August 2015, 06:26 PM

Hey guys, i'd like to show you 2 pictures of me on oldcp thats hilarious:

Here we go!

Not fat!

Lool! Bye guys, and sorry for the short post!

272 posts
Posted in Knight App • 20th August 2015, 04:33 PM

Tent wrote on 20th August 2015 04:00 PM:
Toy Bri said on 20th August 2015 03:37 PM:
Hey guys! I am making a knight application, i hope you like it!

Here we go!

Why i want knight: I want it to protect oldcp, fight against our enemy's, love and help other players, being respectful, jail bad users, and love to fight against BH'S, ill try my best to not die too, i wish i could do all of that in one day. I could help most players, and most of all i love every user here!
Love you all! c:
Commands: Shift + f = take out sword

F = swing sword

Spacebar = block

/jail (username) = Jail user.

/release (username) = Release a user from jail.


Rules of being a knight: You may never take your armor off, be respectful, jail bad users, and never disobey the rules, like taking off your armor when your not supposed to, killing innocent users, and jailing good users.


DSGHQ Username: Toy Bri

Oldcp Username: Kiraeye


Ranks: New Rookie



Activity: Very unlikely, a 10/10, i usually come on all day by now, concluding the past week. I would come on very particular, like about in the morning - night morning - afternoon.


Grammar: I'd say, about a 9/10, concluding that i am experienced at fixing spelling mistakes, i would try not to make one too.


Will you ever abuse your powers?

Heavens no! I would always use them properly, and respectfully. I wouldn't ever abuse them, unless if i'm hacked, that's why i would be abusing. I would be perfectly sorry if that will ever happens. Abusing would be bad so i would be demoted. I would be truly sorry.


Will you ever be mean to other users?

I would not. I would help them if they needed help, and if they were stuck somewhere with a killer, i would save them, and bring them to safety and then i would evacuate every user to thrones so they wouldn't die. Then i would go find the killer and then arrest them for having a weapon.


Will you always obey the rules?

Yes, i will! I would never betray the rules. I would never break them.


Have you had training's?

Yes, i have had one training with Cowffee, and more in the future.


About me: I am very experienced and i am trusted within the community. I have been on for one whole year, concluding my last account Random1134, on that account, i was at Key123's old trial. I would love to see my account again, but i lost the password so he will be never seen again. I loved that account as i would say. But as soon as i have seen all these bombings/ and the BH's and i also saw mickey concluding that this account is better. I still love my other account and i wish it will rest peacefully as i say. I would always love that account and never forget it. I would really wish to get it back. And i really wish that the forgot password would work. I loved it so much, like a son to me. I hope you enjoyed my application and i am sorry if my about me is a tongue twister. And it is very long. I hope you enjoyed my last days of my old account (if you knew it). I wish to see you again my fellow companions. Farewell.

Hope you enjoy my application! I would love feedback for this, as i am experienced.

~Toy Bri~

Really nice application, but you have a mistake with the commands.
/jail is to go to jail, whilst you wrote it arrests someone.
/arrest is to arrest a user, and you didn't mention it.
Just helping out, nice application though.

XD i forgot that lol. I'll fix it.

272 posts
Posted in Knight App • 20th August 2015, 03:37 PM

Hey guys! I am making a knight application, i hope you like it!

Here we go!

<3 Why i want knight: I want it to protect oldcp, fight against our enemy's, love and help other players, being respectful, jail bad users, and love to fight against BH'S, ill try my best to not die too, i wish i could do all of that in one day. I could help most players, and most of all i love every user here! <3
Love you all! c: <3

Shift + f = take out sword

Move mouse = Swing around in circles.

F = swing sword

Spacebar = block

/jail = Go to jail.

/arrest (username) = Arrest a user.

/release (username) = Release a user from jail.

Yes, if you wonder these are all the commands for knight.


Rules of being a knight: You may never take your armor off, be respectful, jail bad users, and never disobey the rules, like taking off your armor when your not supposed to, killing innocent users, and jailing good users.


DSGHQ Username: Toy Bri

Oldcp Username: Kiraeye


Ranks: New Rookie



Activity: Very unlikely, a 10/10, i usually come on all day by now, concluding the past week. I would come on very particular, like about in the morning - night morning - afternoon.


Grammar: I'd say, about a 9/10, concluding that i am experienced at fixing spelling mistakes, i would try not to make one too.


Will you ever abuse your powers?

Heavens no! I would always use them properly, and respectfully. I wouldn't ever abuse them, unless if i'm hacked, that's why i would be abusing. I would be perfectly sorry if that will ever happens. Abusing would be bad so i would be demoted. I would be truly sorry.


Will you ever be mean to other users?

I would not. I would help them if they needed help, and if they were stuck somewhere with a killer, i would save them, and bring them to safety and then i would evacuate every user to thrones so they wouldn't die. Then i would go find the killer and then arrest them for having a weapon.


Will you always obey the rules?

Yes, i will! I would never betray the rules. I would never break them.


Have you had training's?

Yes, i have had one training with Cowffee, and more in the future.


About me: I am very experienced and i am trusted within the community. I have been on for one whole year, concluding my last account Random1134, on that account, i was at Key123's old trial. I would love to see my account again, but i lost the password so he will be never seen again. I loved that account as i would say. But as soon as i have seen all these bombings/ and the BH's and i also saw mickey concluding that this account is better. I still love my other account and i wish it will rest peacefully as i say. I would always love that account and never forget it. I would really wish to get it back. And i really wish that the forgot password would work. I loved it so much, like a son to me. I hope you enjoyed my application and i am sorry if my about me is a tongue twister. And it is very long. I hope you enjoyed my last days of my old account (if you knew it). I wish to see you again my fellow companions. Farewell.

Hope you enjoy my application! I would love feedback for this, as i am experienced.

~Toy Bri~

272 posts
Posted in Bombing At The Town • 20th August 2015, 01:44 PM

Guys, today a bomb went off at the gift shop. Only two penguins died though. Heres a picture:

Rip, to all the penguins that died. You may be missed.

I am sorry for all of your lost. I will promise, that one day you will be alive again.

~`Box Head Momo`~

272 posts
Posted in Eyes Wide Open • 20th August 2015, 01:12 PM

Design4real wrote on 20th August 2015 12:46 PM:
As many of you know, that there is a war between the blackhawks and the royal army. If you were fighting alone, a "Hang in There Baby" cat poster won't help you now. Many have submitted knight applications, and as I looked at them, I have to say they are pretty good! And for all of those knights or wanting to be a knight-in-training people, I want to say this message: "Make every move in wisdom, even the little ones, they can effect others people lives as the very well of yours. Never give up, for those who don't believe in themselves, I believe in you. Risks are very effective in many cases, yet don't let your trust in a player distract you from fulfilling your destiny. Keep every goal in perspective, you might not know where they might lead. If you trust your friends, your friends trust you. Let your brave heart lead you across anything you can imagine. As the time in war and the time in peace may last forever so make your move now. You can find balance in your trust and honesty and compassionate heart. If your friend says come over here. Let him/her lead you to the unknown. After all, it is your choice." Yours truly-design4real

wow that made me cry :)

272 posts
Posted in Xat Moderator Application • 20th August 2015, 12:45 AM

Hey guys! I am making an app for XAT Moderator since we need more of them. Here we go everyone! :D

Am i trusted?

Yes, i am trusted. I have been on here for a year. I have had many name changes though. I would love to be an XAT mod. It would be my vary possesion to be one!

Am i active?

Yes, i am very active everyday. I usally play about the whole day, and i sometimes loose connection so i come right back on to moderate.

Am i registered?

Yes, i am registered on XAT. My username is MozterChain1 (just chose a random one :/). I have been registered for about 1 week. I just joined XAT.

Are you familiar with moderator?

Yes, i have had moderator on lots of XATS. I usally ban/kick bad users. I had owner before on an XAT chat group. And i am really familiar with moderator, i am quick as a cheetah to ban/kick. I am superly familiar with mod.

Mature & Patient?

Yes, i am very very VERY mature, and i am also very patient. I would only yell if someone was being really rude then i would ban them.

Are you quick?

Yes, i am super quick. I have banned/kicked/warned super fast before. I would check the chat, and if someone sent in something rude, a swearing word, or a cussing word i would warn them, kick or ban them.

Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed my application!

-Box Head Momo
~Fellow people, rest peacefully.~

272 posts
Posted in Help! • 19th August 2015, 12:55 AM

Bailey wrote on 19th August 2015 12:54 AM:
You say [ spoiler ] text here [ / spoiler ] (no spaces) to do it. Example: Spoiler ShowTesting, testing, 1, 2 Hope this helped.


Thanks bailey!

272 posts
Posted in Help! • 19th August 2015, 12:50 AM

Hey guys, i need help. I was wondering how people do the "Spoiler" thing. I've been wondering since last week. Please tell me! If you do i will give you 20 gold payback. If you know how, just comment. I need help really bad. :) <3 you guys out there!

~Box Head Momo

272 posts
Posted in Knight application -Lylance- • 19th August 2015, 12:40 AM

Very good application. I love it, its very detailed and much likely. I think the haters would be like:
Hater wrote:
Ugh this app is stupid. I hate it! Its like mickeys stupid fat butt.


Haters, will always do that. This application is a +1. I hope you earn knight! And ignore those hateful comments that you get.

272 posts
Posted in Signature Shop! • 18th August 2015, 09:36 PM

EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 18th August 2015 09:14 PM:
Box Head Momo said on 18th August 2015 09:09 PM:
Hey guys, here i am making a signature shop! There are lots to have, and heres an example;

It must conclude this;

1. Text? (what it says)

2. Background?

3. Super Creative (must PM me for that)

4. Sparkles?

5. Pokemon etc.

6. Hair?

7. Glasses?

8. Props? (must list)

9. Fireworks?

10. Extra things (must list)

Okay. PM me if you want it super creative. And then ill PM you once i got it finished if you PM'ed me.



Box Head Momo

I feel wasted and broken u took over mai Shop
EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 18th August 2015 09:30 PM:
Box Head Momo said on 18th August 2015 09:09 PM:
Hey guys, here i am making a signature shop! There are lots to have, and heres an example;

It must conclude this;

1. Text? (what it says)

2. Background?

3. Super Creative (must PM me for that)

4. Sparkles?

5. Pokemon etc.

6. Hair?

7. Glasses?

8. Props? (must list)

9. Fireworks?

10. Extra things (must list)

Okay. PM me if you want it super creative. And then ill PM you once i got it finished if you PM'ed me.



Box Head Momo

You didnt have to make a shop I only did it bc U could use it now I feel broken dont do dis ever again alright? use it only for urself

my new mood feels right..

272 posts
Posted in Signature Shop! • 18th August 2015, 09:09 PM

Hey guys, here i am making a signature shop! There are lots to have, and heres an example;

It must conclude this;

1. Text? (what it says)

2. Background?

3. Super Creative (must PM me for that)

4. Sparkles?

5. Pokemon etc.

6. Hair?

7. Glasses?

8. Props? (must list)

9. Fireworks?

10. Extra things (must list)

Okay. PM me if you want it super creative. And then ill PM you once i got it finished if you PM'ed me.



<3 Box Head Momo <3

272 posts
Posted in A Movie • 18th August 2015, 06:06 PM

Dice wrote on 18th August 2015 05:53 PM:
Hey guys. I am making another movie and I need ideas for it. What should it be about? And comment down below if you have ideas or if you want to be cast, or both! This will be posted on Youtube. I want a drama movie. Place to meet TBA on my mood. Time: in 20 minutes.

Ooh!! It should be about some penguins, that are stranded on the iceberg and a storm starts to come with lots of lightning and thunder. And at the end, they survive and the agents save them. And can i be cast? :D