Divergent517's Posts
Posted in
Snaildom Job Winners
6th October 2014, 03:57 PM
Congrats for all the ppl who got the job!!!!!!!
Posted in
Mod Application
3rd September 2014, 08:06 PM
ok ill try harder next time thx for the info
Posted in
Mod Application
3rd September 2014, 08:00 PM
Name Koryn
User Name Divergent517
Job Application For Oldcp Moderater
Experience Oldcp is my first cpps, though I have been playing oldcp for almost a year.
Active Im active from 7 30 or 8 30 am to 8 30 pm on weekends.
Why do you want this job? I want this so I can help Oldcp with everything that is going on that needs help.
User Name Divergent517
Job Application For Oldcp Moderater
Experience Oldcp is my first cpps, though I have been playing oldcp for almost a year.
Active Im active from 7 30 or 8 30 am to 8 30 pm on weekends.
Why do you want this job? I want this so I can help Oldcp with everything that is going on that needs help.