Posted in
Gold earned in games
13th March 2016, 04:02 AM
Patrick Kacket wrote on 12th March 2016 09:33 PM:
I have a great suggestion to the DSGHQ!
Recently Damen and Wheeler updated oldcp. They put in games to play on there. When you play the games you get coins. But you cant do anything with the coins. My suggestion is that instead of getting fake coins we can get oldcp gold for the coins we earn playing games.
Hopefully my suggestion gets added.
What do you think about this?
Recently Damen and Wheeler updated oldcp. They put in games to play on there. When you play the games you get coins. But you cant do anything with the coins. My suggestion is that instead of getting fake coins we can get oldcp gold for the coins we earn playing games.
Hopefully my suggestion gets added.
What do you think about this?
Posted in
About LForLeeX
13th March 2016, 03:43 AM
LForLeeX wrote on 12th March 2016 09:15 PM:
Hi everyone, its Lee! I'm currently really new to this community and I will sure get along with everyone on this amazing foruma, and oldcp! I think we should have a disney room because Believe it or not DISNEY actually created CP! Anyways we should have all time disney room!
Until next time, LFor LeeX
P.S I hope this suggestion will work out and have a wonderful day!
Until next time, LFor LeeX
P.S I hope this suggestion will work out and have a wonderful day!
Posted in
my bestie is leaving
12th March 2016, 07:50 PM
Charlotte24 wrote on 12th March 2016 07:39 PM:
Well today i found out my bestie Ellie2 is leaving for a week and i felt really sad cause i'm gonna miss her shes leaving for 1 week because well shes growing up and she damn lots of homework and tests and other important stuff i know its only a week but shes one of my best friends and i'm going to miss her alot
if you know her or you know how it feels when a bestie leaves you, you will know what i'm feeling
thank you for reading and reply below if you know ellie and your gonna miss her too :'( or if your bestie has left you too
and please ignore my grammer mistakes (i'm only 13)
if you know her or you know how it feels when a bestie leaves you, you will know what i'm feeling
thank you for reading and reply below if you know ellie and your gonna miss her too :'( or if your bestie has left you too
and please ignore my grammer mistakes (i'm only 13)
Posted in
Getting Wisdom Teeth Pulled Out
12th March 2016, 07:25 PM
Since I'm ten I'm probably gonna get my wisdom teeth pulled in a long time. xD
Posted in
Information -Skippy
6th March 2016, 10:12 PM
SirSkippy wrote on 6th March 2016 09:59 PM:
Hello everyone! I would like everyone to know I will be on this week but not very much. Sadly my grandpa has passed away this morning and my aunt just had surgery. I'm sorry for this very short post but I just wanted to tell everyone about this. ( I didn't know what to call this post )
Posted in
6th March 2016, 09:07 PM
Christa wrote on 6th March 2016 09:02 PM:
Do you have an iPhone?? lol
Posted in
Art Shop!
4th March 2016, 09:02 PM
m a g g i e wrote on 4th March 2016 08:01 PM:
Art Shop
Hey guys! Since I'm always super bored, I decided to open up an art shop.
PixelDorito is my DeviantArt by the way
So, comment down below some basic things you want.
Gender, hair color, ect. I will do the best I can for you.
The price is 50 gold.
It is pricey, but art isn't easy to make.
It takes me about an hour and 30 mins to draw something like the example.
Hey guys! Since I'm always super bored, I decided to open up an art shop.
PixelDorito is my DeviantArt by the way
So, comment down below some basic things you want.
Gender, hair color, ect. I will do the best I can for you.
The price is 50 gold.
It is pricey, but art isn't easy to make.
It takes me about an hour and 30 mins to draw something like the example.
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Shirt: Purple hoodie
Color of eyes: Same color as the example.
Hat: flowercrown
neck item: bowtie
Posted in
Penguin Watch App
3rd March 2016, 08:03 PM
Queenblue wrote on 3rd March 2016 07:55 PM:
Penguin Watch Application!
Welcome to my Penguin Watch Application. Everything will be in groups to look more organized. I will start off with why I want PW, etc. If you have questions or concerns about my application, leave them in the comments, and enjoy my application!
OldCP Username: Queenblue
Skype: candaixo
Age: 11 years
My experience with moderating is fine I guess. I have been a Moderator on OldCP before, a current Forum Moderator, I was a Drejk Moderator before it shut down, and I was a Forum Master. So as you can tell, I have quite a bit of experience with moderating servers and such.
Am I helpful enough?
I help users as much as possible when I can. When I was promoted to moderator, Chelsey has described me as "helpful and active" but if I don't see a user asking for help, and they are new, I don't bother to help them if they do not ask since they might of read the words when you make your account. Besides that, I am always helping users when I can.
Am I active?
I am very active. On stats, I am 4th place, almost 3rd. I am usually online every day unless there is something important going on in real life.
Commands and when to use them:
/warn (username)
Usually you warn after you tell a user to stop doing something, if they continue, sometimes a warning would stop them. But don't give them 3 chances, that is actually more chances for them to break the rules. I would stick with 1-2 warnings before a kick.
/kick (username)
If a user is spamming, for example, or being rude, you would first tell them stop, then warn them, if they continue, then you may kick them. If they come back and continue, tell a moderator so they may be arrested-banned.
Why do I want Penguin Watch?
I would enjoy to have Penguin Watch for many reasons. I believe I have what it takes in moderating while staying undercover. I understand the rules of being a Penguin Watch which are:
1. keeping your identity undercover
2. knowing when to use powers
3. do not leak
4. be very well trusted and experienced
And more.
I believe I have showed more responsibility in ranks since my Moderator Demotion and I have been trying very hard to stay on my best behavior and be polite to users and welcome new users. I have been trying to earn PW for a while now and I think I am ready.[/I]
Am I trusted?
By the amount of ranks I have or had, I would say yes. Whenever I reported something, I always provided witnesses or screenshots. I would say I am pretty trusted.
Thank you for reading! I hope the PW Captain, Minty/Hashir, considers me as a Penguin Watch.
Welcome to my Penguin Watch Application. Everything will be in groups to look more organized. I will start off with why I want PW, etc. If you have questions or concerns about my application, leave them in the comments, and enjoy my application!
OldCP Username: Queenblue
Skype: candaixo
Age: 11 years
My experience with moderating is fine I guess. I have been a Moderator on OldCP before, a current Forum Moderator, I was a Drejk Moderator before it shut down, and I was a Forum Master. So as you can tell, I have quite a bit of experience with moderating servers and such.
Am I helpful enough?
I help users as much as possible when I can. When I was promoted to moderator, Chelsey has described me as "helpful and active" but if I don't see a user asking for help, and they are new, I don't bother to help them if they do not ask since they might of read the words when you make your account. Besides that, I am always helping users when I can.
Am I active?
I am very active. On stats, I am 4th place, almost 3rd. I am usually online every day unless there is something important going on in real life.
Commands and when to use them:
/warn (username)
Usually you warn after you tell a user to stop doing something, if they continue, sometimes a warning would stop them. But don't give them 3 chances, that is actually more chances for them to break the rules. I would stick with 1-2 warnings before a kick.
/kick (username)
If a user is spamming, for example, or being rude, you would first tell them stop, then warn them, if they continue, then you may kick them. If they come back and continue, tell a moderator so they may be arrested-banned.
Why do I want Penguin Watch?
I would enjoy to have Penguin Watch for many reasons. I believe I have what it takes in moderating while staying undercover. I understand the rules of being a Penguin Watch which are:
1. keeping your identity undercover
2. knowing when to use powers
3. do not leak
4. be very well trusted and experienced
And more.
I believe I have showed more responsibility in ranks since my Moderator Demotion and I have been trying very hard to stay on my best behavior and be polite to users and welcome new users. I have been trying to earn PW for a while now and I think I am ready.[/I]
Am I trusted?
By the amount of ranks I have or had, I would say yes. Whenever I reported something, I always provided witnesses or screenshots. I would say I am pretty trusted.
Thank you for reading! I hope the PW Captain, Minty/Hashir, considers me as a Penguin Watch.
Posted in
Sushi Gom offical members :D
1st March 2016, 11:36 PM
Cristal wrote on 1st March 2016 11:27 PM:
Sushi's official members!!!!
New members:
Congradulations!!! More to come maybe? Probably not. naaaaaaaah
I am hosting a meeting at: Wednesday March 2nd 2016 @ 7:00 PM EST and 4 PM PST.
I will let you know whenever there is another meeting held.
Outfits: /outfit sushiGOM
/outfit sushigomboy
I will go over rules with you all at the meeting this post is just about the members.
Sorry for the un-organized post. See y'all at the meeting. If you can't make it PM ME!!!!
- Cristal
New members:
Congradulations!!! More to come maybe? Probably not. naaaaaaaah
I am hosting a meeting at: Wednesday March 2nd 2016 @ 7:00 PM EST and 4 PM PST.
I will let you know whenever there is another meeting held.
Outfits: /outfit sushiGOM
/outfit sushigomboy
I will go over rules with you all at the meeting this post is just about the members.
Sorry for the un-organized post. See y'all at the meeting. If you can't make it PM ME!!!!
- Cristal
Posted in
Anime Lovers Unite!
29th February 2016, 09:06 PM
Lylah wrote on 29th February 2016 05:41 PM:
Calling all Anime Lovers get together and Chat about your Favourite Anime I hope u can chat and be free xoxo Anime Lovers unite!
Posted in
Try not to laugh ~Ollo
29th February 2016, 04:01 PM
ollo wrote on 29th February 2016 02:11 PM:
Ok, ok I know you might not find this funny but I just find it hillarious so I decided to make it a try not to laugh
Comment below if you laughed because I did..
Hope you enjoyed!
~Sir Ollo
Comment below if you laughed because I did..
Hope you enjoyed!
~Sir Ollo
Posted in
Snaildom Knight Application
29th February 2016, 11:59 AM
Cave wrote on 28th February 2016 11:00 PM:
Greetings, I am Cave. I am here today to apply for Snaildom Knight. I have decided to apply for knight because I have been wanting this rank for some time now. I am working towards the rank of moderator. I am taking steps toward that rank, and becoming a knight, well that would be one of those steps.
I am currently 11 years old, and I will be 12 on April 4, 2016
Time Zone
My Time Zone is PST (Pacific Standerd time)
Why do I want to be a Knight?
I would love to take the responsibilities of being a knight because its is a step towards becoming a moderator. Also, its kind of like living a fairy tale, its fun to fantasize being a knight. Now, don't get me wrong I would most definitely take my job seriously. I would protect the users from bad and guard places that needed it
Do I have the qualities to become a knight of snaildom?
I believe that I have to qualities of becoming a knight of snaildom. I am brave, responsible, EXTREMELY active, and willing to do anything. I also am very good a mining at the black mine. This quality is needed so I could get the necessary Armour. I am helpful, and kind to every soul.
Have I ever had training?
I have never had training on snaildom, but I have had training on I have never trained with a sword though.
I have had some of experience in the past, like I said I have been trained by Jesse a couple times. I competed in Game of Knights. I have had leadership in other games as well. I have never been a knight in another game, but I have been a moderator. A moderator of chats, games, and websites. I have a whole note book dedicated to notes on my knight training. I have gathered lots of information to put in there over the months.
Do I know the sword commands?
I know the sword commands because they are the same as oldcp commands.
Shift + F to pull out sword
Shift + FFFF (spam F) To swing
Space bar to block
I think that I would be a great addition to the team!
I hope you will consider me as a knight of snaildom!
Please comment below +1
Thanks for reading!!
Greetings, I am Cave. I am here today to apply for Snaildom Knight. I have decided to apply for knight because I have been wanting this rank for some time now. I am working towards the rank of moderator. I am taking steps toward that rank, and becoming a knight, well that would be one of those steps.
I am currently 11 years old, and I will be 12 on April 4, 2016
Time Zone
My Time Zone is PST (Pacific Standerd time)
Why do I want to be a Knight?
I would love to take the responsibilities of being a knight because its is a step towards becoming a moderator. Also, its kind of like living a fairy tale, its fun to fantasize being a knight. Now, don't get me wrong I would most definitely take my job seriously. I would protect the users from bad and guard places that needed it
Do I have the qualities to become a knight of snaildom?
I believe that I have to qualities of becoming a knight of snaildom. I am brave, responsible, EXTREMELY active, and willing to do anything. I also am very good a mining at the black mine. This quality is needed so I could get the necessary Armour. I am helpful, and kind to every soul.
Have I ever had training?
I have never had training on snaildom, but I have had training on I have never trained with a sword though.
I have had some of experience in the past, like I said I have been trained by Jesse a couple times. I competed in Game of Knights. I have had leadership in other games as well. I have never been a knight in another game, but I have been a moderator. A moderator of chats, games, and websites. I have a whole note book dedicated to notes on my knight training. I have gathered lots of information to put in there over the months.
Do I know the sword commands?
I know the sword commands because they are the same as oldcp commands.
Shift + F to pull out sword
Shift + FFFF (spam F) To swing
Space bar to block
I think that I would be a great addition to the team!
I hope you will consider me as a knight of snaildom!
Please comment below +1
Thanks for reading!!
Amanda2047 wrote on 29th February 2016 11:34 AM:
How did you get your text in the center?
Amanda2047 wrote on 29th February 2016 11:34 AM:
How did you get your text in the center?
Posted in
Short CPMV -Jilly
28th February 2016, 01:59 AM
jilly wrote on 28th February 2016 01:49 AM:
Hey guys.
I just made this short CPMV from last week and i finally bothered to upload it. It's nearly been a year that i haven't made a CPMV and this my first time to make it short. So, i hope u enjoy it.
I used iMovie.
I just made this short CPMV from last week and i finally bothered to upload it. It's nearly been a year that i haven't made a CPMV and this my first time to make it short. So, i hope u enjoy it.
I used iMovie.
Posted in
Snaildom Application
27th February 2016, 05:21 PM
Navi wrote on 27th February 2016 05:19 PM:
Username: Navi
Desired Rank: Master
Age: 14
Timezone: US Central Time (CT)
Date joined: End of October (Don't know exact date. My ID is 4958 though.)
Experience: I have been a mod on 2 or 3 Minecraft servers. I have zero clue if that makes a difference if it was a different game.
DSGHQ History: I played OldCP and that is about it.
Special Qualifications*: An experienced mod on Minecraft servers, I guess.
That's about it. Please respond on how I could or how I could have improved. Thanks!
Desired Rank: Master
Age: 14
Timezone: US Central Time (CT)
Date joined: End of October (Don't know exact date. My ID is 4958 though.)
Experience: I have been a mod on 2 or 3 Minecraft servers. I have zero clue if that makes a difference if it was a different game.
DSGHQ History: I played OldCP and that is about it.
Special Qualifications*: An experienced mod on Minecraft servers, I guess.
That's about it. Please respond on how I could or how I could have improved. Thanks!