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Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in My peniguin watch apply • 12th November 2015, 08:00 PM

Hello guys today you will be reading my penguin watch apply lets get to it

my reason my is to be pw because I will watch over penguins all the time I will not be inactive I will support other users and help them if any one is being mean,rude,inapp they will be warned I will only give them 2 chances they will be warned twice if that does not work they will be kicked from the server this job Is really serious my experiences are having fun I always be support other people I do not tolerate with bullying I love to help people when the need my help If anyone is sad or lonely they will have support I report other mean or rude people I will not let no one turn anyone down if anyone is spamming they will be warned twice I am a fun little goof ball I will attend to all meetings and I will not tell top secret information I will do all my hard work any my best I will not disrespect other users and I hope you guys will respect me friends are friends I added more experience I watch over people if they are cussing or being rude I report bully's and I report mean people my life is the keep people safe I will cheer up people who are angry or sad if you have any problems report to me also be nice and don't be a bully to anyone care for others feelings I will kick the rude people and if they come back on I will talk to them why they did this if they are continued to do the bad stuff they will be reported to a mod then they will be in jail if any other mods are tired I will take their place thank you for reading this if I made an error please comment below and have a safe rest of the month because thanks giving is coming up thank you!

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in My mod apply • 5th November 2015, 05:02 PM

Hey guys its aggie I know I was inactive but I was here to tell you this is my mod application here are facts why

I love making people feel better cuz that is my job so If I see anyone sad I ask them what's wrong then when we are finished talking they feel much better I am sometimes sad but I have a talk then I feel better I would like to me mod because there are people out of control I will check rooms if another mod is at town I will leave to check rooms if I'm the only mod I stay put but if anyone sees a person being mean or rude or innap, contact me on forums I will give the person a chance if they continue to do it I will ban them I have good exp I report rude people to other mods I make people feel better I tell people what to do and not do I will be online if other mods need a break I will not break the rules I will not cuss or me rude or mean I will treat people the way they want to be treated I will try not to be inactive if I do not get this job I will not stop people do not stop trying and do not change for no one be you people make mistakes its life nobody is perfect but if you tell your self I am smart and confident don't let no one take you down don't be a bully show love and care to others thank you people of oldcp

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in my wedding • 4th June 2015, 11:03 AM

im getting married to cooldjkid

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in my wedding • 4th June 2015, 08:56 AM

hi guys its aggie guess what im married my wedding is june the 18 that's Thursday time is 8:30 I will have my party today at 11:00 thank you tommy for helping me out with this when it the party Tommy if you are reading this I will give you your prize its a surprise but it will be amazing

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in last news of all • 27th May 2015, 04:13 PM

This is the last news of all! what do you think if I should stop making news and go to the next level and get my reporter what do you think what I should do or you think I should get my reporter? job but here is a story
Stay Tight

One day a little boy name billy and a girl name Bella they really liked each other but they didn't know what to say but there best friends think they should not be together but Billy and Bella act like they don't like each other but sometimes they both hanged out a lot but they were stalked by their friends they split them apart they were sad and furious they tried hard but there was a way
they had to split apart it was they only thing Billy's buds would say Ha you should never hang out with that dumb girl Bella's friends would say never hang out with that stupid loser now Billy and Bella known they were being bullied they realized that they shall not hang out with there friends or bully's they wanted to break apart from them so bad they could not share there feelings to them they will think they would laugh at them but the "big day" Bella and Billy told them they cannot be friend because they don't care what they want Bella and Billy came running together and kissed and they were happy to see each other again the friends were sorry but they didn't care but Bella and Billy learned there lesson Stay tight don't let others pull you apart Bella and Billy were safe and sound they will never let anyone hate what they love The End

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Party! • 24th May 2015, 11:41 AM

Lylance wrote on 24th May 2015 07:58 AM:
YES! LIKE jesse's Application!

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Party! • 23rd May 2015, 10:42 PM

Its Aggie when it was fun when Roberto came on we had a blast dancebear omg she is good at picking songs on the radio we made a circle and had a dance challenge we had ninja suits it was a lot of people if Damen was on he would loved it sorry if some of you did not come or been there well we will have more fun with Roberto it will be pack and big so come on! :) please check out polo's Mod apply make sure you like his good work!

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in I have a confession to make • 23rd May 2015, 10:04 AM

Thanks for being truthful and we don't hate you are a human being just like me or anyone else

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Aggie news report • 22nd May 2015, 06:08 PM

HI guys its aggie here were the things that happened well we had a mod comp and Chex won hurray and team wolf (my team) won but not to brag but the mod comp was fun we had to go to jr rooms and figure out what to do like make a shape or something compared to that but it was very fun but every single team did good but they have tried there best but it was amazing the mod comp was May,15,2015 now its over we will have more upcoming events Fluffy got mod it was good keep doing what you are doing ad music got mod good job to the both of them

Paragraph 2

guys check out Polo:forums name Jesse its amazing 20 likes check that out its great he deserves It but good luck I am on my way to to the next level soon I maybe will be reporter I am getting help this was the latest news!

~Good bye more will be listed

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in OldCP Moderator Application • 22nd May 2015, 05:39 PM

this is aggie this is very good Jesse you will be fine remember have fate and trust +1

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in bugs on oldcp • 14th May 2015, 04:46 PM

I don't know whats wrong with old cp today mine keeps freezing and others say it to please fix this its getting annoying now please fix this

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Meeting earlyer • 12th May 2015, 07:29 PM

there was a meeting at thrones Roberto was great it was about the battle on snowball and the houses we had questions a lot but it was great heres the preview but the next meeting will be scheduled get ready for Summer mod comp and I made my mind I am going to be in the mod comp I hope I don't be late or lag but it will be on May,15,2015 but May23ths holiday whoo shout out to that we will have a ball I bet but that was all that happened

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in Knight training • 10th May 2015, 03:12 PM

Hi guys its Aggie today was knight training i was in it but we failed though but we will try again like always coffiecow and Tommy was the person that teach us we had trivia and run 3 laps that is the latest news but it is really pack on blizzard town but i survived we are having a mod comp again in 2015 it is going to be big i will not be able to join with you guys but i will be there to cheer my team on i maybe will be apart of it or not but idk but i want to wish everyone good luck don't get mad if you did not win but its okay if you did not win well you have to start out slow like a reporter i am trying to get in that but i will get news and type and then make a post but this was the new today!

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in My apply • 3rd May 2015, 12:24 PM

you know how I was telling you I wanted to be a knight I maybe wet to far well I will try slow well I think a news reporter will be very wise I am starting out slow think why I should be a reporter I am good at taking news I love talking and I will carry out important things here are things I am good at I am good at being active now I will not type bad things I well do my job I will be on the go I don't know what else reporters do but I will not update everything I think this is the best choice I have good hobbies I get fresh air I should never doubt my self that's just wrong it maybe take a while but if I don't get it I will keep trying but I should get it quick I am not doing this because everyone is doing this I am doing this because this is my last hope and if I don't get it then it is not worth it maybe the world just wants me to be normal just like everyone else I cant do nothing wrong because I control m self thank you for reading I may have mistake's well everyone makes mistakes we are not perfect don't judge people

Drama Llama
76 posts
Posted in I am So wrong • 3rd May 2015, 11:16 AM

\Hey Guys its Aggie maybe Aka quitter but after I saw there comments I should not give up well I am not going to quit I should not be a quitter I guess you see I am not quitting I am a strong person well giving up is not the right thing I am getting back on my feet I should be happy I need to let the worst say behind and let the good stay in the front you guys were right if you think I am a quitter well I don't care I am my own person I am not letting bad things tare me down I should keep on doing what I used to do I am no quitter I am back I am back on my feet I should never quit should not quit to just remember stay true to your self don't let the bad take over e the good take over well I am back thanks guys I am better than ever!