49 posts
Posted in DD MEANS DAMEN`S DAY!! • 7th December 2014, 04:58 PM

I think of it as a message actually, on Damen's Day,
the 14th Day of December, it will be the Doomsday
of Oldcp, and it will be the day of Damen's Death. I'm
sorry if it sounds inappropriate and rude!

49 posts
Posted in Demoted... • 7th December 2014, 04:53 PM

Lloyd, I think you made a great detective, that's
why so many people want you back as one.

49 posts
Posted in Forums Mod App ~Starwolf • 7th December 2014, 11:22 AM

Hello Users.

Title: Forums Mod App ~Starwolf
Dedicated To: All Users

Today I am applying for a rank that I have been planning to apply for quite awhile actually. As I said in my mood I would make my final Forums Moderator Application. I felt like i wanted to because I got motivated by Sadie. It explains all in my mood and I decided to. Forums Moderator is something I wanted for a while. I wanted to post this application and I want it to be the best that I can make it. I'm not making it be the best. I want it to be the best it can be. Anyways. If you like the application and believe I deserve the rank you can subscribe to #Starwolf4ForumsModera and if you. Like the application you can click the like or +1. A like is truly happy to get. It can mean very much to me or anyone. Even if it is a single one it matters to me and means a lot as well. A like is a like and it's good to get. Or if you dislike the application you can click the dislike or -1. ~Starwolf Your Real And True Wolf Queen By Heart~

Simple And Small Things About Me.

~Name: Forums Name: Starwolf Ingame Name: Starwolf Real Name: Stella.

~Age: 13

~Experience And Time On The Forums: Well I have been on the Forums since October 9th 2013. So I have officially been on for 11 months. So you can obviously tell that I am very experienced and have been on a very long time.



~Trusted User

~Ingame Moderator

~2000 Reputation

~More Then 1500 Posts

Times For Powers To Be Used.

~Dramatic Discussion = Lock

~Spamming Posts = Told Rules

~Multiple Rule Breaks = Warning

~3 Warnings = Suspension

~3 Suspensions = Ban

~3 Bans = Ipban

Reason For Making This Application.

I wanted to make this application because becoming a Forums moderator is now my current goal. I have achieved my goal of Ingame Moderator. Now my next goal is to become a Forums Moderator. This application I feel like will be the best one I can ever think of. I have grown from becoming this weak little poster and application maker. Now I am making the most gigantic applications I can ever think of. This application will feature many things. Maybe even a couple new sections in mind. You don't even know! The application I believe is one of the most well written and most beautiful designed and typed applications that I have ever put out there. So anyways. I hope this gives you a little explanation for making this application. Anyways hope you get from reason and explanations why I have made a post like this. Hope you like it!

What Made Me Be Here Today.

I wanted to be not for the ranks. That would just be selfish and thinking of yourself over others. Anyways. I am here today to help people out and enjoy my time here. This whole game is pretty much a second home and second family toward me. Helping out is something I value in life. Helping out people is something that adores me. I can relate to the move Pay It Forward. But anyways. This whole game is my life I have a fascination for Helping out people and Living Life. This game is literally a whole family toward me. Every time I get on here I always have a smile on my face. And hopefully have time to make and live up to myself on here would be a literal blessing to me. I love being here I may get on to much but it's because this whole entire game is a whole home and pretty much a family if you ask me.

Why I Want The Rank

I want this rank because it is a dream toward me to become a Moderator on Oldcp and The Forums. I have already reached one goal as a Mod to become one on Oldcp. I have gotten that goal. So why not Dream to become a Forums Mod? I wanted this rank from the start so I can help out more and more people by the minute. And being a Mod means I can help out as much as I want now! Many people want me as a Forums Mod that just encourages me to work harder to get the rank that I have been working for since the day I joined. Now it's getting closer each time and minute.

How Would I Help Oldcp With This Rank.

I will always work to help Oldcp with my rank on the Forums as well. Each time a user asks someone else or me about the Forums I will be sure to explain everything users need to know about the Forums. When a new user comes online and makes a welcoming post all the time I would be sure to give a Introduction and explanation about all they need to know about the Forums and some simple things about Oldcp to be sure they will know each and every rule for Oldcp along with the Forums so they can be caught up and knowing what they need to know for help and support.

How Would I Handle This Rank.

I would handle this rank very maturely and like it's a Administrator. I know that sounds a little extreme I just want to show Damen that the rank is a honor toward me. But this rank will be a blessing because it means a lot to me on completing a goal like Forums Moderator. The whole meaning of this rank to me is something that I bear to hold and understand. Forums Moderator is something I know to be handle very well because I have experience with this rank since I am currently a Oldcp Mod. So I know how to use this rank.

Experience With Ranks Like This.

Well you already know that I am a Ingame Mod. So this shows that I am trusted by Damen and many staff to. Damen and many staff along with users know that I am trusted so that tells you that I am known and experienced with the powers and the times to use my powers on a user or post or discussion. Though I'm not Experienced with the Powers of Forums Moderator. I've learned overtime by past Staff. And Overall I've been here for a long time and Have learned about the Powers and Abilities a Moderator can have. So I may not get it at first. I will and I've had Ranks like this. Even though it's only one time one thing can make a difference.


Well I guess this is it. If you like my application you can click the Like button to support me because it means a lot on a application important as this toward me. It's okay if you hit the Dislike button to because it's your opinion and I understand that anyways. It would mean a lot if you left a Positive Comment or Like. Whatever you do it's fine to me because it's from you and I gain new Supporters over Comments and Likes. When you Leave something nice on this it lights up my face and makes me smile.

~Sincerely Starwolf~
Starwolf, if you can handle as mod on Oldcp, I'm sure
you can handle being a forums mod! 1+

49 posts
Posted in Vietnam AAI Outbreak • 7th December 2014, 08:53 AM

This is story is fantastic! I have never
seen a story like this on forums! 1+

49 posts
Posted in Jail/Vault Theory • 7th December 2014, 08:46 AM

*Theory created by Dancebear and Bashysmelly*

We all know that the Vault of the one at the bank is currently blocked. And that definitely means something is hiding there. Do you remember the black room we found Mais in? Well we think that there's a enemy hiding in there.

Also do you remember when we found him and there were 2 or 3 doors. One that led to the bank, one that was BLOCKED and I don't exactly know the other door. The BLOCKED door is what we were talking about. We think that the door led to the Jail. Want to know why? Look at this.

link :

In the middle, this is where we always land when we come to the jail. When the bad guys come in the jail, they always land near that cave. Coincidence?

I betting the theory you and bashy had made is true!

49 posts
Posted in We got in! • 6th December 2014, 07:45 PM

After finding out about the iceghosts, we went to thrones to evacuate. After waiting and a little bit of effort, the crate on fire by the door soothed down and we went into the vault, but only to find it empty. But letters were printed onto the wall in ice:

What do these letters mean? And when do they strike again? Sorry if it was kinda short!


49 posts
Posted in I am sorry and I am a jerk • 6th December 2014, 07:03 PM

It's ok Sherlock, as long as you don't do it again.

49 posts
Posted in in honour of damen • 6th December 2014, 04:19 PM

I miss penguindsc he was so support now hes gone no one here trusts me ok hope oldcp souls crash and the users burm in hell and died hope you learne your lesson I want to have a gun but you lot cant trust me fine oldcp will be crashed and all users die and go back on snaildom
This is why you can't be trusted with a gun...
I think I have a suspicion around you, but anyways
you need to stop being so inappropriate!

49 posts
Posted in Innappropiate Users. • 6th December 2014, 04:08 PM

Yeah, it's funny how all the older kids act mature and kids from 8 or under on OldCP cuss and stuff. (I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ALL USERS WHO ARE

kinda offinceve because im 8 o-o (yes ik I have bad grammar)
He didn't mean all users, he meant some.

49 posts
Posted in Innappropiate Users. • 6th December 2014, 03:53 PM

Lately people have been complaining that I had been "very inappropriate" but I'm not, really. It's these two people who are cussing and twerking on people and it's driving others nuts!



I'm not even gonna try saying her name!

We need to ban these users. I'm not going back on Oldcp, forums, snaildom. I can't handle being blamed for being inappropriate without them knowing that there's THESE innap. users around!
Mileycyrus55 was the same one that abused me! :O :(

49 posts
Posted in Do I derserve a firearm • 6th December 2014, 12:40 PM

Do I deserve a firearm since I am the saver and protecter of dsghq

so do I

p.s if not its fine
I don't think you're ready for a firearm. It takes patience
and training on how to use it. And sometimes you can be
a little threatening to other players. You need to calm down
and control your anger towards people.
No hard feelings Sherlock?


49 posts
Posted in My opinion on role play • 6th December 2014, 12:36 PM

I had enough of this role play it's getting kinda boring and Id rather have it like the normal oldcp where it's just the mods and admins who help the noobs, the role play is not as enjoyable as it used to be. I know damen spent tons of work on all those commands but I just don't enjoy all this role play..

Thanks for reading.
I respect your opinion, some people have different
interests, but be careful as Sophie said.

49 posts
Posted in Virus! (Helpful) • 6th December 2014, 12:32 PM

That's why I always report that ad, it leads
to a virus!

49 posts
Posted in I sorry for my hurtful things • 2nd December 2014, 03:09 PM

MICO TERRY GAMER AND MISTY(always there for me I am sorry) and it was my theroy I never ment to want you guys hurt I am so so so so so so so so sorry and you guys I mean everyone stop calling me a kingarded I so sorry guys
That is very nice of you to apologize for that
rude discussion you made about them. And
I'm just wondering, who would be the people
who would call you a "kingarded"?

49 posts
Posted in Please Read :'( • 2nd December 2014, 03:05 PM

I am saddened by the amount of people who break the rules. Today Gangster J said that I have problems, need to get a life, he was trolling, and he was being gross. It makes me feel miserable thinking that kids are learning these stuff and it makes me feel ashamed that I can't do anything. I am crying in real life right now because of this. I don't have lightshot but I do have witnesses. Canadian and AlexandraCP saw it. There are many young children playing and it makes me feel sad that I can't protect them. Please help because I feel so ashamed and grim.
I have full sympathy for you PinkHearts, I feel for you.
Cyberbullying is growing because people think they're
"anonymous" online, but when really they're not.
True, you should ignore them, but as Sadie said:

"A strangers words can influence the mind and simply torture it to a breaking point."

They make other people feel miserable and worthless, if this
happens again, make sure you have witnesses and try
to get lightshot or any other thing that would help you
get proof.