123 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 29th November 2014, 03:23 AM

Thanks Guys,

But I do hope Damen, Matt PenguinDSC and the rest of the
Administrators accept this. Ok guys -Goodbye-

123 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 29th November 2014, 03:19 AM

Yes Yes, I know but I said in-game, does my forums profile effect the in-game chance?

123 posts
Posted in Snaildom Moderator Application • 29th November 2014, 03:06 AM

Dear Administrators,

Please Consider me as Moderator on Snaildom, Here are my details:

Name In Game: Trashhboat

Age: 9

Experience: I played oldcp for a couple versions, Snailchat, Toblerone, And Snaildom.

Skills: I can fix bugs on MANY games, If their is anything need fixing I will try my best to save the community. :)

Why: I remember that a hacker came online when all the staff had gone, they said 'Im going to hack EVERYTHING, Starting with this!' I really wished I could help and save the community but then he logged out.... But I still saw him hacking It was going to do something to us... But when I sai to him, 'I am going to contact Damen about you' he ran away. But.. He ould come back.

Thank you,


123 posts
Posted in Lying ~Jilly • 24th November 2014, 02:07 PM

xD, Everyone is copying me with 'Touching' Why!?! Kind Regards, Trashhboat

123 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 24th November 2014, 02:03 PM

I only made 1 account, stop bulyying me!!! ):

123 posts
Posted in Snaildom BETA PICTURE • 23rd November 2014, 12:52 PM

Sure I just thought it was, im sorry ill remeber next time! Slide Along

123 posts
Posted in Snaildom BETA PICTURE • 23rd November 2014, 12:40 PM

Guys this is an old image I took from Snaildom BETA have a look:


123 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 23rd November 2014, 12:26 PM

I don't have 19 brothers my brother and my elder brother are making accounts I dont know why ppl think its me

123 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 23rd November 2014, 10:31 AM

No I joined Septer 13 2013 but I made a new forum account becuase I did not like the name and my forum name suits my SNAILDOM name

You have 19 accounts. What the heck. Like half of them you went on yesterday.
Deffiently my family my brothers name is chris and my other brothers name is backon

123 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 23rd November 2014, 10:27 AM

No I joined Septer 13 2013 but I made a new forum account becuase I did not like the name and my forum name suits my SNAILDOM name

123 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 23rd November 2014, 10:23 AM

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my News Reporter Apllication!
If you don't like it and you think I did something wrong, hit that -1 button
If you liked it and you think I did it all right, hit that +1 button

Username on forums: TrashhboatOFFICAL (Or Trashhboat I dont mind)
Username on Snaildom: Trashhboat

Do You have Good Grammar?
I belive I do, although I don't know anyways I wont do like 100 News per day I'll do 1 Issue per day trying not to spam and gathering as much information as I can and spreading it out to everyone!

Experience- I was never a certain rank but I know how to handle thing?

What happends if their is no News 1 day?
I wont post the news that day then. :3

Will You Obey the Emperor, And Make sure you put TRUE News?
I will obey the emperor, And I will truly make sure I put correct news, And I will correct any grammar mistakes in my news reports.

Are you active?
Yes I am, although I have special meetings to do on Monday to Friday I'll always spread news but just at a later time. :)

Why do you want the job?
I want to make sure the DSGHQ know all of the news they can. Of course, I will not share private news, But I will share public news, So Everyone knows what is going on example Mod Competions and many more!

Will You Brag about your job?
No I wont becuase if I do the job will be auto-maticly be taken off me and its half called 'Showing Off'

Kind Regards, Trashhboat. Hope You Like My Apllication, Slide Along!

Thanks again!

123 posts
Posted in Suggestion • 23rd November 2014, 09:58 AM

Sorry, I just though of it from the top of my head. Sorry!

123 posts
Posted in Stop It With Herobrine • 23rd November 2014, 09:53 AM

Hello Everyone,
I am very fed up with this 'Herobrine is in my world HELP ME' 'Herobrine on tape' and all that stuff,
aren't you? Well thats why i'm here to put a stop to it! Theese are reasons why people might be doing this nonsense:

1) Minecraft Badge

2) Spam

3) More Posts

They are pretty nasty huh?

Please dislike people if they do any of those things about Herobrine or Minecraft
you can orrignaly post something in Minecraft like 'I made a Minecraft Server here is the IP'
or something! Just A Friendly Reminder

Kind Regards, Trashhboat

123 posts
Posted in Herobrine is back • 23rd November 2014, 09:48 AM

.... i think u just posted this for the badge....
Tottaly why else would someone post something random onto the forums, I dont understand

123 posts
Posted in i love to boogy • 23rd November 2014, 09:45 AM

You're dancing because your cat died? That's cruel.
Your happy your cat died and your dancing while you said she died and you were sad?!? Soo cruel you are...