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Dont Be Rude This Year! Help Everyone On OldCP Spread The Christmas Cheer
Also dont Miss The OldCP Band Performance for more info check #OldCPBand
Hello everyone i have came up with a new way to help OldCP become a better place we will donate our credits or we will all help eachother out more often this is a small post since i wanted to share ideas with u thnx for readingthis is just a way to show disney it is true that they are ahead of us from helping eachother so lets make the community safer and better by just helping eachother or by donating to eahother PS WADDLE ON IN OLDCP!Im Coming Up With Another tradition in march break make 5 accounts log on all of them and donate the credits to whoever u choose i prefer helping + donating will be appreciated as i donated almost 350 credits one timeEveryone Remember this isnt about who helps more or faster it just means we help eachother

As you all know i am starting to work on a project called Help OldCP Become A Better Place!
As part of it i had made a previous post called "Helping For Donations" which talked about donating or helping note the comments there are important to read last 2. Anyways i have another idea to help OldCP little by little changing it we already started making smooth surfaces but what about the hard surfaces still in OldCP well were gonna throw em all away! i need your help to help and support OldCP we need to make it Just Like it was from Oct 2005 to August 2007 by Stopping penguin from fighting or bullying not by forcing them but by asking politely if u see penguins fighting here are some of the following steps to help the situation....
Separate Them) to stop them from fighting separate them
Find Out What Caused It) next of all u have to ask one of them why they are fighting
Help Out) next of all you should bring back together or make them friends if it does not work out try simplifying the problem but if u realize a odd type of drama use /issame on those two remember others could be trying to waste your time
well i hope this helps remember this does not mean who does it better try little by little remember this is to help OldCP Not Beat It!
I will be giving Out More Parts and ideas for the project stay tuned PS

Well This is post 4 of My OldCP Project i am expanding the project to 7 heres the post this time To Improve ourselves and become equal to NewCP we need to start respecting others more remember treat people how you want to be treated this can also keep us safe next of all a few of us need to improve our manners i know you all are high in manners but we need to try harder this will show NewCP we are a good example for young ones thnx for reading this post Stay Tuned for Post 5,6,7,8,9,10 i hope this helps you to PS WADDLE ON IN OLDCP!
sadly the other posts i couldnt find but this is it
PS Reasd this post which is the same thing