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A channel for all of your curiosity!

Hello Fellow Users

And welcome to #QuestionsForYou ! In this channel, I will be listing multiple questions for each day of the week, depending on the time. They can be based on different topics or things, no matter what they relate to. You all will be able to PM me your response to each inquiry, and it might be listed below with your username attached for everyone to see. You can also recommend a question to me, which will possibly be included as well. Anyhow, please feel free to message me any suggestions you might have to add to the channel, along with any updates you might have in mind that I can use. If your recommendation is useful and added, you will receive 5 Gold. And, to start off, here is a list of the questions for the day!

Questions For Each Day

• Please give a response to me in PM to participate •

Wednesday, September 4th- 2014

Question 1: If you could be named anything but what you are now, what would that be and why?

Question 2: What would you do if you were trapped at the top of a tree and could not get down?

Question 3: If you could become a Healer OR a Detective on OldCP, which one would you choose and why?

This channel might seem a bit simple at the moment, but there are many more questions for you to answer and many more additions coming your way! [Off Topic -->] Note: If anyone else has created a channel similar to this, I apologize. This channel was only created for your enjoyment and not to steal other thoughts. Thank you for understanding.

~LiveToDance,Queen of Dancing~