469 posts
Seen 15th January 2020
15th February 2014, 11:45 PM
Hey Party Penguins,
sK1PPY1 here.
A lot of commotion has been happening with Cyberwolf demoting Sadie. It might not have even been him though maybe he was hacked. Either way saying he is mean is not the right thing to do. We should still be thankful to have him and thank him for all he has done to help OldCP. You guys shouldn't give all the credit to Damen, Chelsey and Cyberwolf helped to make the game too. When Damen makes a mistake it's like everyone thinks it's no big deal but, when cyberwolf or chelsey make a mistake it seems like the only thing people talk about. Remember that Chelsey and Cyberwolf are people too. All people big and small have feelings that can easily be hurt. I forgave Cyberwolf for what he has done and why can't you too. I'm not saying that I don't disagree with what he did I've just forgiven him. Why can't you look into your hearts and do the same. You can dislike this post but, that won't change anything. To truly be happy you must forgive others no matter what they did no matter how awful.
P. S. Sorry if this is in the wrong category.
P. P. S. Thank you so much Cyberwolf and Chelsey for all of the good things you have done to help OldCP.
Warning video has religious stuff in it don't watch if you don't want to.
sK1PPY1 here.
A lot of commotion has been happening with Cyberwolf demoting Sadie. It might not have even been him though maybe he was hacked. Either way saying he is mean is not the right thing to do. We should still be thankful to have him and thank him for all he has done to help OldCP. You guys shouldn't give all the credit to Damen, Chelsey and Cyberwolf helped to make the game too. When Damen makes a mistake it's like everyone thinks it's no big deal but, when cyberwolf or chelsey make a mistake it seems like the only thing people talk about. Remember that Chelsey and Cyberwolf are people too. All people big and small have feelings that can easily be hurt. I forgave Cyberwolf for what he has done and why can't you too. I'm not saying that I don't disagree with what he did I've just forgiven him. Why can't you look into your hearts and do the same. You can dislike this post but, that won't change anything. To truly be happy you must forgive others no matter what they did no matter how awful.
P. S. Sorry if this is in the wrong category.
P. P. S. Thank you so much Cyberwolf and Chelsey for all of the good things you have done to help OldCP.
Warning video has religious stuff in it don't watch if you don't want to.
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An epic pic made by Lita:
5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
16th February 2014, 12:37 AM
I love Mateo, just I don't think we work together but heck on free time I can talk for hours with him because he's pretty darn cool.
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[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]
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469 posts
Seen 15th January 2020
16th February 2014, 12:47 AM
I'm not saying I'm on anybody's side I was just speaking from my heart. I'm actually kind of neutral on the subject. I'm not saying what he did was right I'm just saying I forgive him.
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An epic pic made by Lita:
5,165 posts
Seen 23rd June 2024
16th February 2014, 07:23 AM
What did happen?
1,167 posts
Seen 10th February 2021
703 posts
Seen 31st August 2023