28th May 2014, 11:18 PM
hello my name is cratata and I actually have a cool suggestion about the jail
I think that the people who ask to go to jail should see what it is like but they arent in the cell. There should be a new room and when they see what it is like, they wont wanna go to jail ever again! the people who actually get in trouble will be in jail and ban them for like 1 hour so when they relogin they cant restart the game and be fine.
please take this in a suggestion:D
from cratata
I think that the people who ask to go to jail should see what it is like but they arent in the cell. There should be a new room and when they see what it is like, they wont wanna go to jail ever again! the people who actually get in trouble will be in jail and ban them for like 1 hour so when they relogin they cant restart the game and be fine.
please take this in a suggestion:D
from cratata