14th June 2014


Made by Starwolf in Suggestions

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
14th June 2014, 12:15 PM

Hey guys Star heer! Recently I have been searching for what rank two is. And I decided to search Helper sicne it was my theory on rank 2. So I found out that helper was rank two in the old days of oldcp! So I have been thinking why not bring Helper back? So today I will be stating my theory why helper should be brought back! ~Starwolf~

Why we need helpers.

I think we need Helper because when school is in session no mods are online so on oldcp it is like a cuss fest on there. So in late at night like 1 mod is online and nobody else. So we could have Helpers online helping out the mods. And mdos can't be in two places at once so a helper could be there and once the day is over a helper could pm a mod there report of oldcp that day!

What helpers can do.

A helper would be like a mod but having less powers. So a helper could kick not ban and helpers could also access the moderator panel and when they are in the mod panel they could whisper to a user doing something bad saying please don't do this. So they will be noted on what and what not to do.
How a helper would be noticed.

This could be very important so user don't fake being a helper. A helper would have a gold name glow and could have the helper badge on the forum and player card on oldcp. So if a user is faking a helper other users would know because they would not have a glod name glow or helper badge.

How much would helpers be paid?

Now a monthly pay for helpers would be between 200-300. But if one helper stood out form the rest and did extra work they did not have to that helper would be paid 25 gold extra so it is fair amoung the others. So this would also make helpers work extra and keep oldcp safer.

How you can earn helper.

You can earn helper by. applying for helper, working for helper by helping out other users when you are not a helper, and making helpful posts on the forum.

The Guy From Boston
1,779 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
14th June 2014, 12:18 PM

Mikomi is kinda like Damens helper but Emperor Helper but its a neat idea to have. I have Always loved to work as a helper

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
14th June 2014, 12:26 PM

Interesting idea, but isn't this basically Penguin Watch except it's not a secret?

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
14th June 2014, 12:32 PM

Interesting idea, but isn't this basically Penguin Watch except it's not a secret?
No Pw undercover is secret a captain is not

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