15th June 2014, 04:24 AM
Hello there,
We know that we all like powers to show it of to our friends, but arent some of them needs alot of coins?
And some users have a power but they dont want it and they cant get rid of it!
So what i suggest is opening something called "The market place" Where you can sell your unwanted powers for a low price. Once the person buy's a power you will receive your credits right away.
Exciting isnt?
We know that we all like powers to show it of to our friends, but arent some of them needs alot of coins?
And some users have a power but they dont want it and they cant get rid of it!
So what i suggest is opening something called "The market place" Where you can sell your unwanted powers for a low price. Once the person buy's a power you will receive your credits right away.
Exciting isnt?
Don't work hard,Work intelligent.
96 posts
Seen 13th October 2014
15th June 2014, 09:30 AM
Hm...Good Idea but I dont thnk anyone would sell their powers as it might be precious to them and also,Everyone wants powers so they'll have to be limited amounts of people in it for a certain amount of time. Good thinking though!
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/242/d/0/spyro_lick_icon_free_by_orange456y-d2xn0s2.gif This Is Meh!!