3rd November 2013

Can you help us?

Made by Box Head Drake in Suggestions

705 posts
Seen 20th April 2019
3rd November 2013, 06:00 PM

Hello fellow penguins since some of you heard of Chopper Bank and some of you know it is located at Jr sofie.If any of you have SWF on your computer and if you would like to help us make our own room please comment below.It will really help us.The person who gives us a room will get to work at Chopper bank.If two penguins would like to offer please send Chopper on the fourum the picture of your room.The room must be named /jr Chopper.We will pick the room we want.Have a nice day everyone and good luck


Hi there
804 posts
Seen 7th November 2015
3rd November 2013, 06:10 PM

On Topic-Very nice bank!
Off Topic-PLEASE post this in the Lounge. Suggestions are for things that could make the forums or CP better. Remember that for next time!

Are you reading my signature?
Boring, isn't it?

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