8th November 2013

staring over

Made by dreamergirl in Suggestions

219 posts
Seen 30th March 2014
8th November 2013, 08:47 PM

Have you ever felt like starting over? Well i certainly have. Well everyone can always start over. Just by saying sorry can start over friendship. Its never to late to start over. Maybe change things like lets say you wern`t the nicest you can be to someone. Well its never to late to change. Maybe you can say sorry and say lets start over. I started over once when i was mean to someone. When you start over think about this. What can i do different? What can i change? If you said some bad things you cant just say a simple sorry though. You have to really mean it. You have to put an effort on starting over. Anyone can do it. If you were a bully,maybe just stop say sorry and start fresh. Remember its never to late to start over.Its the same for everyone teachers,parents,friends anyone. No matter who they are to grandparents to anyone. You can always do something nice for them. Who knows they might be nice to you back. Well this is some advice. I hope it helps. Dream big!

Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are

82 posts
Seen 4th April 2014
8th November 2013, 09:26 PM

follow your dreams! One day they can become true!! so true

219 posts
Seen 30th March 2014
8th November 2013, 09:41 PM

aww thanks. It happened once actually

Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are

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