24th April 2015

Moderator Application - Kara

Made by Kara in Applications

26 posts
Seen 25th April 2015
25th April 2015, 06:26 PM

1.Amazing mod application! Me and MANY others wish you the best of luck! :).

2.I never knew you can APPLY for mod, I always thought you could only get it during mod completions. XD. Now I feel stupid XD. (I am so I mean XD) ~PokeWillow

I Love You All, SERIOUSLY! <3 Wish Kara Good-Luck! ;) Feel Free To Tell Me If You Need/Feel Anything You Want To Talk About! :3 And I Just Started Sharing A Forums With My Cousins + Friends! Wish Us Luck XD Were All Crazy! DEAL WITH IT XD :P We Love Y'all! :)

+1 by Kara
I Love You All No Matter What You Do, Feel Or Say :) Be Nice To People 1 Word Can Change A Life! :)

2,338 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th April 2015, 02:47 PM

Thank you all for your wonderful support! I really appreciate it! <3
Bailey wrote on 24th April 2015 07:36 PM:
Great application, Kara! I believe you deserve to be a Moderator once again as it looks like you are committed to keeping the site safe from harm. I am also glad to hear that you have learned from your mistakes and will not dwell on the past, but you will only focus on what's ahead and be a good role model for the community. Good luck!
Sadie wrote on 24th April 2015 07:42 PM:
Well done Kara I wish you all the best of luck. I truly do believe in you.
Milkshake9 wrote on 24th April 2015 07:44 PM:
Yes I actually do see you improving and i think you deserve this rank once again.Remember Forget what hurt you in the past.But don't forget what it taught you Send you lot of luck good luck
Ellie wrote on 24th April 2015 07:49 PM:
I'd love to see you as a Moderator again. Fantastic job, Kara
Rae wrote on 24th April 2015 07:52 PM:
I would love to see you back on the staff, Kara. Great application and good luck.
Amazing Alice wrote on 24th April 2015 09:00 PM:
I've read this application bottom to top, and Kara, you deserve to obtain Moderator once again. I wish you the best of luck.
Alyssa20156 wrote on 24th April 2015 09:05 PM:
Nice applaction Kara. I belive you will become a moderator again.
Adawg wrote on 25th April 2015 07:35 AM:
Kara needs to be staff again. ;-;
Truth wrote on 25th April 2015 07:48 AM:
Amazing application. Kara, I think you need to be staff again.

Damen wrote a poem about you because you gave him Windows 7 Pro for free and it worked
FieryRebecca wrote on 25th April 2015 07:51 AM:
I really, really enjoyed reading this application. I see an incredible moderator within you. It's nice to think about the past sometimes, but I focus on it positively. For example, we all remember what happened, and I won't remember you as a power-abusing person who's unworthy of trust. I remember you as a spectacular staff member who made one mistakes and deserves a second chance. And then I look to the future, and in the future, moderator is calling your name again, I know it. You're a helpful, friendly, great friend and all of us know you still have what it takes. Best of luck!
Rosie89 wrote on 25th April 2015 08:35 AM:
i can see you as moderator kara
c0mrade wrote on 25th April 2015 12:37 PM:
Your very active on the Xat, so i'm ready to give you a chance moderating on oldcp. good luck ;p
Kenneth wrote on 25th April 2015 05:12 PM:
Excellent application, Kara. You were good as a Moderator in the past, why not now? +1.
PokeWillow wrote on 25th April 2015 06:26 PM:
1.Amazing mod application! Me and MANY others wish you the best of luck! .

2.I never knew you can APPLY for mod, I always thought you could only get it during mod completions. . Now I feel stupid . (I am so I mean ) ~PokeWillow

I Love You All, SERIOUSLY! Wish Kara Good-Luck! Feel Free To Tell Me If You Need/Feel Anything You Want To Talk About! And I Just Started Sharing A Forums With My Cousins + Friends! Wish Us Luck Were All Crazy! DEAL WITH IT We Love Y'all!

+1 by Bailey, Scott, Rae, Augustine and 3 others


819 posts
Seen 28th November 2021
26th September 2015, 11:37 PM

Good Luck on becoming mod Kara! I think you earn it c:

+1 by Kara
paper faces on parade

373 posts
Seen 6th October 2015
26th September 2015, 11:51 PM

I love your profile picture btw, Kenneth. Great application, Kara! You deserve to be a moderator on oldcp!

+1 by Kara
~Be the Soccerball and mark your goal

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