25th May 2015, 04:21 PM
$html<p>Yesterday, 5/25/15, there was a session around 5:00 PM EST, where Damen regained his title of emperor after Roberto gave it back to him. As First order of business, Damen appointed Roberto as the new Master of Moderators, in which he will be looking over the moderators and making sure they are doing their jobs correctly. Damen announced that his new hand guard would be The Stag, an old knight, whom will serve us forever. You can find more information about The Stag on the dsghq forums at <a href="http://forums.damenspike.com/view/43125/" rel="nofollow">http://forums.damenspike.com/view/43125/</a>. The Stag will be fighting his evil brother, The Mountain soon. There will be more information on it sometime soon, and it will be a vicious battle for the title of warlord. The Stag will kill The Mountain, and will be a victor for all.</p>
<p><strong>DSGHQ World Champion Competition</strong></p>
<p>We will have a new world champion this Spring, are <em>you</em> willing to compete? We do not know when it will be held, but Damen said it will be next week, so I hope you’re ready for loads of fun and a new dsghq Spring World Champion!</p>
<p><strong>Staff Promotions and Demotions + New Moderator Spreadsheet</strong></p>
<p>As well as Chex becoming moderator from the Moderator Competition of Spring 2015, there are some new staff. A couple days ago, Fluffybacon was promoted to moderator. The next morning, Music got Moderator after winning the Mini-Mod Comp. Sir Screenhog has resigned from his rank as moderator, which means that he has a moderator no more. The new warlord is The Stag, and he has moderator powers with Warlord.</p>
<p>The Moderator spreadsheet is something that Roberto created to help the moderators stay active. The idea was made by Chelsey, but Roberto modified it. The moderators must stay active for 24 hours a week. If they do not, then they get an X. If a moderator gets three X’s, without excuses that is, then they will most likely be demoted. This past Sunday, Roberto changed the time to 15 hours, because it was a bit hard to have more than 24 hours a week for some moderators.</p><img alt="" border="0" src="http://pixel.wp.com/b.gif?host=oldcpdaily.com&blog=69014639&post=684&subd=oldcpdaily&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><br><hr>Read original post at <a href='http://oldcpdaily.com/2015/05/25/damen-regains-title-as-emperor-more/' target='_blank'>http://oldcpdaily.com/2015/05/25/damen-regains-title-as-emperor-more/</a>
<p><strong>DSGHQ World Champion Competition</strong></p>
<p>We will have a new world champion this Spring, are <em>you</em> willing to compete? We do not know when it will be held, but Damen said it will be next week, so I hope you’re ready for loads of fun and a new dsghq Spring World Champion!</p>
<p><strong>Staff Promotions and Demotions + New Moderator Spreadsheet</strong></p>
<p>As well as Chex becoming moderator from the Moderator Competition of Spring 2015, there are some new staff. A couple days ago, Fluffybacon was promoted to moderator. The next morning, Music got Moderator after winning the Mini-Mod Comp. Sir Screenhog has resigned from his rank as moderator, which means that he has a moderator no more. The new warlord is The Stag, and he has moderator powers with Warlord.</p>
<p>The Moderator spreadsheet is something that Roberto created to help the moderators stay active. The idea was made by Chelsey, but Roberto modified it. The moderators must stay active for 24 hours a week. If they do not, then they get an X. If a moderator gets three X’s, without excuses that is, then they will most likely be demoted. This past Sunday, Roberto changed the time to 15 hours, because it was a bit hard to have more than 24 hours a week for some moderators.</p><img alt="" border="0" src="http://pixel.wp.com/b.gif?host=oldcpdaily.com&blog=69014639&post=684&subd=oldcpdaily&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><br><hr>Read original post at <a href='http://oldcpdaily.com/2015/05/25/damen-regains-title-as-emperor-more/' target='_blank'>http://oldcpdaily.com/2015/05/25/damen-regains-title-as-emperor-more/</a>
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