12th June 2015

Maniac's First News Report

Made by CPManiac in News

1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
12th June 2015, 04:39 PM

Hey there! And welcome to [name to be changed later]. There were many things that happened this week, and if you weren't here, this would be a good place to find out.


Swirlie, Wheeler, and CoffeeCow were all promoted on Wednesday. [6/10/15] They were all promoted to the rank Moderator Here is a little about each.


Swirlie has been a member of the Forums since January 28th [I'm not sure when she joined OldCp; most likely in December]. she is currently a Forums Master, and was a Xat Moderator before she was an OldCp Moderator. She is an experienced member, I believe she will do great things for our community.



Wheeler has been part of the Forums since March 2nd. He is the Master of Timezones, and was a Xat Moderator before. He has been part of our community since back in 2013, and is a friendly guy. Aswell as Swirlie, I believe he will do a swell job as OldCp Moderator. He is very experienced, and will benefit our community greatly.



Before becoming OldCp Moderator, CoffeeCow was a Knight for the DSGHQ. She has been a member of the Forums since September 7th 2014, and is currently a Forums Knights. She was aswell as both Swirlie and Wheeler a Xat Moderator, and was very attentive and helpful. All three of these people deserve a well earned congratulations; they will do good things with their new rank.


There was also a resignation in the community. The user resigned from the rank Moderator. This was Music, an older user of the DSGHQ.


Music has been in this community since 2013; he has been on the Forums since October 13th, 2013. He was Moderator before, but after some time, he was promoted once again for winning the UK Game of Mods. He is also a Xat Moderator, and worked hard to keep this community safe. Unfortunately, his schedule was very packed. He had to resign because he couldn't fill in all his hours. Although, he requested to be promoted to Knight after being demoted from Moderator. Currently he serves our community once again, and I am very happy with him.

http://forums.damenspike.com/profile/Music -2611/

Basically, I will now explain what was going on with Roberto and the Guards etc etc. Basically, the Black Hands and Shrek were wanting to kill Roberto. Roberto wanted to strike back, sso he gathered some knights, some guards, and Matthew (Warlord). They were against the Black Hands at the town. The battle was brutal. Many Black Hands were killed; no guards were killed. Roberto killed all but 3 Black Hands I believe, and they were in danger. At this point, I'm not sure why, but Roberto was in an igloo behind the map. I believe it was because Shrek wanted him sentenced to death so he fled and hid to save his life, Matthew found him, and attacked him. Roberto was killed by Matthew with one hit, and his blood was shown.

http://prntscr.com/7g8pgk http://prntscr.com/7g8psh

The second picture was of a Guard throwing a grenade at Roberto to make sure he was dead. Roberto after this went away.

Archie & Raindrop's 1 Year Anniversary

Their anniversary is tomorrow. [6/13/15] Here is some information about their wedding: http://forums.damenspike.com/wiki/Royal_Wedding Archie is a Prince who had joined the Forums in November 2013 I believe; Raindrop is Damen's sister. She was born into royalty, and married Archie who was already a prince since May 1st 2014. They have been married ever since June 13th, 2014, and will be having their celebration in 6/14/15. Here is some information on the celebration of their anniversary: http://forums.damenspike.com/calendar/day/?id=14-6-2015 Their anniversary isn't the same day as their celebration, but I quote from the calendar:
Note: The celebration is happening a day after their actual anniversary.
-Archie II

Sacrifices are a newly made thing of the Forums. They were created on 6/4/15, and are made exclusively for Members. You can see the link here [as long as you are a member] : http://forums.damenspike.com/sacrifice/ Sacrifices are basically something in which you benefit in some ways but you suffer in others. Here are all the Sacrifices and their description. This discussion shows the advantages and disadvantages of all sacrifices, and their opinion on which you should choose: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/43918/

This is the end of my first Forums News Report. Thank you guys for reading and thank you for giving me the chance to become a News Reporter. Hopefully you enjoyed my News Report, and hopefully you are mostly caught up on the news of the last week or so. Bye now!

+1 by Fable, greeny, Preston, Freddy and 16 others

1,573 posts
Seen 4th August 2023
12th June 2015, 04:42 PM

Great news report. I love the part about me <3
You are a wonderful News Reporter, keep up your fantastic work!

+1 by Marx

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
12th June 2015, 04:44 PM

Well done Maniac. This was a very detailed, organized news report. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these.

total trash
3,372 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
12th June 2015, 04:50 PM

Amazing, amazing, amazing! I cannot wait for the second report!!!


3,205 posts
Seen 16th August 2023
12th June 2015, 05:01 PM

Awesome! I liked how you didn't only say who was promoted, but you also gave info about each person who was promoted.

1,137 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
12th June 2015, 05:15 PM

Good first report, I like the fact you put information about the people who got moderator. :)

The Legend
1,333 posts
Seen 10th September 2019
12th June 2015, 05:48 PM

Great report! One thing, The Stag also fought along side me, Roberto and the Guards. I would include that but otherwise your report is spot on and is a very detailed summery of this crazy day in the community

night cruising
2,329 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
12th June 2015, 06:04 PM

I actually joined Forums on January 13th, January 28th is my birthday. Other than that great News Report, Maniac! +1!

840 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
12th June 2015, 06:09 PM

I like how you divide events into different sections, as well as new mods and their bios, keep making news reports and +1.

too old to be here
792 posts
Seen 10th May 2019
12th June 2015, 06:45 PM

This report is fantastic! After being gone for a week due to traveling I now understand a bit more about what happened while I was gone. You're a fantastic news reporter, Maniac :)
I do think you should be careful of the colors you choose though, in the sacrifices section it's kind of hard to read, or it could just be me :s

Other than that, this was extremely informative and helpful! +1

+1 by CPManiac and goblets234

38 posts
Seen 7th September 2015
12th June 2015, 06:47 PM

Hello Maniac! Great first news report! You will make a fine News Reporter :)

453 posts
Seen 10th November 2015
12th June 2015, 07:03 PM

Amazing news report! :D :) 1+

Member of the DSGHQ.
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