15th June 2015, 10:37 PM
Hey guys!
This maaaay not be counted as wisdom, but it does seem pretty wise.
This quote is from Einstein, if you didn't see the title.
This is the quote:
If you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will spend the rest of it's life thinking it's a fool.-Albert Einstein.
It may be wisdom, it may not be wisdom, so guys, please tell me if you think it is wise or not. Bye guys!
This maaaay not be counted as wisdom, but it does seem pretty wise.
This quote is from Einstein, if you didn't see the title.
This is the quote:
If you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will spend the rest of it's life thinking it's a fool.-Albert Einstein.
It may be wisdom, it may not be wisdom, so guys, please tell me if you think it is wise or not. Bye guys!
Voice of an angel, heart of glass.