3rd July 2015

Comparing Others & Yourself

Made by Choc in Wisdom

1,014 posts
Seen 13th November 2015
3rd July 2015, 07:25 AM

"Back in my day, kids were good people."
"This generation of kids sucks"
"Why are kids now so stupid, irresponsible, etc"

This is what most adults say to me when I do something they don't like.
And then they go on about their days and blah.
*cue dramatic sigh*

Now, we all understand that the world now is full of wack, compared to other people before us. Parents say one thing about us, kids say another.
Now see the thing here?
They compare us to kids then.

meaning to compare the differences between two or more things.
Can be something good, can be something bad.

Now parents (like mine) like to compare me to some other perfect kid that they know.
"Why can't you be smart like that girl in your class"
If you fail at like math or whatever, they will compare you to some other person who is smarter

"That girl are so beautiful and talented. My child is never one of those"
They compare you to someone who has more talent then you. Also compares beauty.

Compared to teenagers, this can be different.
Examples, again.

"I wish I could be prettier like that people in posters"
= Comparing yourself to other people's looks.

"I am way cooler compared to that nerd on the street"
= Comparing socio status to other people. Also, bullying.

"His house is so cool. I wish mine was too"
= Comparing yourself with other people with higher socio-economic status.

This can be unhealthy, since it attacks what they see as bad. This causes a lot of damage to you, and otherr people you compare, some being so unhealthy that it can slip into mental illness if it brings them down because others (like a parent or student, even themselves) pick on everything they don't like and compare them to others who are doing it better them then.

I see a lot of people do this to themselves, and others. It hurts me to see people doing this because they deserve to feel good about themselves so that they know that they don't need to compare themself. It also hurts to see people doing this to others because it's rude. How dare they bring someone else's worth down because of what problems they have with them, but they may be doing it to themselves also. We never know what happens behind closed doors.

Comparing yourself is like looking at a picture. You just wanna be that kind of person on that picture because you just don't like you. You take every bad thing about yourself and..well.... Bully yourself. You want to be like them. When other people do that, you sink down so low that you don't even find good in yourself. You are filled with too much bad things that you want to be free of.

You don't need to do this. Please don't do it. You are only hurting yourself if you do. No one deserves to judge and compare themselves, and others, because you find them bad in them. Even if they are, they have so much good in them. They are just trying to find it in themselves to see it.

"People don't know that they have good. Even the worst ones who do nothing but hate even have some. They just need to realise it.
- Choc

+1 by Sam , Starwolf, Jacobg627, PokeWillow2 and 3 others

My name is Choc. Just a person who likes Minecraft and MLG parodies.
I wish to become an animator one day.


always rekt the loominaty, even bill cipher. he's the main one.

2,442 posts
Seen 26th February 2019
3rd July 2015, 08:19 AM


I really liked is discussion of yours. It is inspiring and I can't describe how great it is. Id like to do a little summary of your paragraph here. The part where you mentioned about people "bullying themselves" usually happens during depression which can lead to death. Why am I even mentioning this? :P it's suppose to be a positive conversation not negative. Anyways, +1.

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
3rd July 2015, 09:33 AM

This is beautiful and flawless. This post is not one but to words. True Wisdom. You deserve to be a wise one someday and I will support you to that day.

Calico Rose
1,683 posts
Seen 31st July 2022
3rd July 2015, 12:01 PM

Yay Choc. So inspirational. AND DEFINITELY WISE! :)

1,253 posts
Seen 30th June 2023
3rd July 2015, 07:39 PM

Very inspirational and wise. Quote Daddy needs you...

OldCP Wise One
PM me if you need any help!

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