16th July 2015

Life.. ~Wolf

Made by V in Wisdom

1,136 posts
Seen 5th June 2022
16th July 2015, 09:31 PM


Today I'll be making a post about the topic 'Life' (thanks to Jacob for suggesting a wisdom post). This post is a little inspirational, but I do not think many will read it. So, if you like this post, click the +1 button, and if you do not like this post, click the -1 button. Sorry if someone already made a post similar to this, I did not know. I would like to hear your feedback, but if not, that's fine. Well, here it is.

What is Life?

Well, apparently you must have fallen asleep in class, because if you didn't, you wouldn't be reading this. *laughs* Ah, no, no. That was only a joke. Anyways, life is life. This is often a question you might hear people ask. No, people will no be going around the subway screaming "What is life!", but you might hear people asking the question in a matter of depression or frustration. Some may agree with this quote, and some may not:

'What is Life? They say it's from B to D. From Birth to Death, But what's between B and D? It's a "C". So what is a "C"? It is a Choice. Our Life is a matter of choices. Live well and it will never go wrong.'

Now see this quote? It speaks the true meaning of Life. Now, there is another quote that represents Life:

'<3 Life is too short to wake up with regrets. Love the people who treat you right & forget the ones who don't! Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance - take it. If it changes your life - let it. Nobody said life would be easy. They just promised that it would be worth it. <3'

Now, this next quote is by me. I came up with it one day when I was as happy as a person could be. Here it is:

'Sometimes in a matter of crisis, you may think, "What is Life?" Well, there is no need to explain what life is, because there is no true meaning. Some people say life is Perfect, but think again. Perfect is a 7 letter word that, honestly, isn't even suppose to exist. It's not real. Although the real thing is, there is no meaning of life. No TRUE meaning, at least. But don't just sit around and try to think of an explanation of life, go outside and actually live it!'

These 3 quotes have a point: Life is not worth sitting around and THINKING of what life is, it's worth going outside and actually living it for once.

How can I have a happy life?

Oh my. This question is quite hard to explain, but I can try.

Now, sometimes you might find yourself sitting in a corner, thinking about this question and how you can respond to it.

Well, don't.

Now see, you, yourself, will NOT have a happy life if you just sit around and worry about what others say about you. It's not about any of that. Worrying about what others think of you will only make it worse. You don't want that. Do you?

Stand up to the plate and take charge! Say NO!

If someone tells you one of these things:

• You're weak!
• You're stupid!
• You're an idiot!
• You're a geek!
• You'll never have any friends!
• Everyone hates you!

And so on, respond to it like this:

• Sometimes being weak is a good thing.
• Then go take a look at my grades.
• Idiot.. Idiot.. I don't believe that word is in my vocabulary.
• Oh, then I must get good grades.
• How do you know? It's not like you stalk me or anything.
• Oh, so.. You think everyone hates me? I think you may be talking to the wrong person.

Yes! These are snappy comebacks! Although, not TOO snappy. But when you say these things, tilt your head at a 90 degree angle and smile. That ALWAYS irritates the bully. But always remember: Never be a bully to a bully! It's like fighting fire with fire. It will just end up in the same place, and YOU could get in trouble, possibly. But always stand up for yourself! You gotta kill the bully with kindness. :)

How can I deal with all of my depression/frustration/pain?

Okay, this one may be short, but....

Think Positive!

If you think positive, you can do anything! Always believe in yourself. This topic is easy to explain. Say.. You wanted to fly! Well, with a little imagination, hope, spirit, and positive thinking, you can make it happen. You have to have a little imagination to be a good sport! Always believe, and nothing is impossible. NOTHING. Nothing will ever be impossible if you just try. And if you think that something is impossible, tell that to NASA. They will be taking a trip to Mars. Just believe. Some people used to call me The Believer. It was nice. I believed I could do anything. And I still do think that. But always remember, be yourself when your thinking positive.

If you don't be yourself, your just cheating yourself out of life!


So, to wrap up this long post, here is a little recap of everything that was talked about:

• Life is not worth sitting around and THINKING of what life is, it's worth going outside and actually living it.
• Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do anything; Because you can.
• Believe that you can achieve your goals and dreams.
• Don't let those negative thoughts get to you.
• Always be yourself when living life, no matter how anybody thinks of you. It's only about what YOU think of you.

I really, deeply hope you liked this post. Sorry if it was a little overdone.. I haven't made a post in a while. This took me about 2 hours to do, with breaks and all. Lol. Thank you for reading. I hope you liked this post. I really wanna get back on top. And if you are wondering why this is in Wisdom, it's because it IS Wisdom.

Always remember;

Adios amigos! <3 ily

1,070 posts
Seen 18th December 2018
17th July 2015, 10:13 AM

I needed this omg ily

"also wolf is 2 wise 4 me"

<3 nice post

+1 by Marble0987 and V

let the melody save me astoria

138 posts
Seen 4th August 2015
17th July 2015, 12:13 PM

This post is so wise, nice post wolf I enjoyed reading it. :)

+1 by V

664 posts
Seen 9th October 2015
17th July 2015, 01:48 PM

Very Wise. So inspirational to others. Good Post +1

~Rosie :star:

+1 by V

Holy Pickles!

Christina Perri is my life

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