18th July 2015
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The Harsh Reality of Life

Made by Jacobg627 in Wisdom

Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
18th July 2015, 11:54 AM

This is the wisdom I was writing when Roberto/Matthewvacc shot me. It's ironic, I was writing about The Harsh Reality of Life, then I died.

If you ever want to get something in life, acquire something, or if there’s a goal that you want to achieve, you have a few steps to take. You must first understand that success only comes to those who work hard at it. Some will only dream of it, for they are too weak to work hard at it. To be successful, you must wake up every morning knowing your hopes and dreams, and take one step closer towards them. This isn’t easy, oh, no.

You must next overcome your negative habits. There will be times where you think you will never make it. You must shift your mindset and see the light. A relative of mine once told me that it is in our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. This is where people give up on their talents. Then they will proceed through life without finding their talents. This leads to people not being able to develop their talents. Be it with math, science, sports, or whatever talent you may possess, you must work hard at it and develop it to do it professionally. Which is sad, really sad. This makes dreams even harder to pursue. Which makes pursuing your dreams even more impressive, but all the more difficult.

*At this time, a hacked Roberto killed me. I will talk more of this later*

The only thing that will satisfy you is when you step up. You must step up out of the shadows and raise the standards, discover what you really can do. Don’t let anyone stop you. Soon you will see through to your inner self. People are awarded in public for things they have practiced for years in private. Remember that. So if you want to acquire something, achieve something, you have to work hard at it and practice. And the harsh reality of life is… most people will never achieve that goal, or discover their true talents.

Now, let’s move on to death. One of the most harsh realities of life. It is at the end of every life. Nobody is certain of what happens after your death, or if anything actually happens. But the fact of death is inevitable. The fact of immortality is a dream. The fact of disease is a nightmare. The fact of life can be tragic, funny, beautiful, or ugly. One of the things I hope you learn from this post is that everything is based on your mindset. I’ll give you an example.

Someone makes a mistake. They sincerely apologize. You can either hold a grudge and not forgive them, or simply accept their apology. Now, holding a grudge is like letting someone live inside of your head, rent free. You don’t gain anything from it, just a lot of stress. Your friends don’t gain anything from it, they just have to put up with stupid attitude. Holding on to a grudge is like holding on to hot coal and trying to throw it at someone. You are the only one who gets burned. So good luck holding that grudge, just remember it is much easier to apologize directly. The harsh reality of life here is… people are more likely to hold grudges against you, so don’t be the guy to hold grudges back to them.

Part II Coming Soon


+1 by Elbaf, Sophia, Preston, Bp28 and 7 others

9 posts
Seen 23rd July 2015
18th July 2015, 11:56 AM

It is like Matthew knew that you were making this post, and decided to shoot you, Great wise post, Jacob4GMW AGAIN

+1 by Jacobg627 and Marble0987

664 posts
Seen 9th October 2015
18th July 2015, 11:58 AM

Interesting that Matthew shot you while writing this post. Coincidence? Anyways, wonderful and wise post.

~Rosie :star:

+1 by Jacobg627 and Marble0987

Holy Pickles!

Christina Perri is my life

138 posts
Seen 4th August 2015
18th July 2015, 12:18 PM

Very wise indeed. Hopefully you will get GMW back. :) +1

+1 by Jacobg627

816 posts
Seen 28th August 2015
18th July 2015, 12:58 PM

This is coincidental as Roberto shot you making this post about the harsh realities of life. My happiness has been destroyed.. +1

+1 by Jacobg627

it was only hypothetical
6,414 posts
Seen 25th August 2023
18th July 2015, 03:47 PM

Very wise post!
I can't wait until part II

+1 by Jacobg627

Sweet memories

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