26th August 2015

Unknown Future

Made by Design4real in Wisdom

Lets move to the rhythm of the water
225 posts
Seen 10th March 2016
26th August 2015, 02:12 PM

Most people plan out their lives. Some people on the other hand, go with the flow. I always though God plans out my life and I have a future. So, I never really wanted to think or say where I wanna live when I grow up or what I'll do when I get my career or what college I want to go to. I didn't want myself to think about what I want for my future, since I will let myself down if God doesn't plan it out like I expected. But I read about perspective, it means to keep in mind. I most people have a perspective about their future. Like I said I wanted to be a fashion designer when I grew up. That was a idea. Now I can find balance about my future with perspective in my life. I want to major in design and minor in peace guidance. I don't think about my life nothing more nothing less. Its good to have hopes in dreams in your life. But its so crushing to watch someone get heartbroken on their failure of their dream. And since their is a war, we all have a Unknown Future. Pretty scary, huh? Its also a good thing. You can make your life the way you want it, but you can't force it to come true. Here is my advice: "Where your life takes place is where your dreams come true. Don't let your stubborn side forsake your mapped out plan. For it is better to talk about your hopes and dreams in a trusted person. Have low expectations for Unknown Future's. That is the key to success in your own life. Your doubts your fears, are playing tricks on you, for you have control for what's gonna happen soon. So make every move in peace and wisdom." Yours truly-design4real :)

+1 by Meghan, MrSam, sans and Bailey

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th August 2015, 04:22 PM

Wow, this post is deep. Great work, Design. You should be a Wise One, by now. :)

Lets move to the rhythm of the water
225 posts
Seen 10th March 2016
26th August 2015, 06:08 PM

Thanks Bailey! Also I wish you all war knights good luck on defeating the Blackhawks! :)

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