27th August 2015

Always a Reject

Made by Design4real in Wisdom

Lets move to the rhythm of the water
225 posts
Seen 10th March 2016
27th August 2015, 03:48 PM

I have been adopted 8 times. It's like nobody wants me anymore. One time I felt like I had a real time with the Jenson family. But after a year, they had a baby and they said to me: "Kara we want you to know we still love you. It's just we have a baby right now and it would be too much to have two girls in the house. No matter what, we are your family always.". Why did my birth mom have to give me up anyways! Ugh! Why would God do this to me? Why does God do bad things to good people?! Sometimes I feel everybody got the good parts and all I got was the scraps of life.

I do short stories like this to teach people a lesson. This can actually happen to real people, and it could of happened already. God has a purpose for our lives always, never forget that. Back before Christ, Israel forgot God a lot of times. They were to busy with their lives. Then their were oppressors who oppressed people. Then, Israel cried out to God. The oppressors would oppress people for about 10- 80 years. God then called the holy people to judge Israel. Deborah was one of the first female judges in the Bible. She was oppressed for twenty years and she had peace for forty years. God does bad things to good people for a excellent reason. How could he let my Grandma die of cancer? that's a bad thing. But she isn't suffering anymore which is a good thing. Things happen for a reason. And God throws us a problem that might be mild or severe or not good, he hands us those problems to see what we would do in a problem like that when we grow up. He tests us to see what would we react, would we go under the pressure or make that bad predicament a success. Flip the page and turn it good. Yours truly -design4real:)

+1 by Bailey, Mal31, Wheeler and greeny

293 posts
Seen 12th November 2015
27th August 2015, 05:17 PM

god does bad things to ppl to test them, they let your granma die of cancer maybe because everyone has a diffrent destiny way of dying? thats my opion

Do not dislike for no reason
Be yourself

373 posts
Seen 6th October 2015
27th August 2015, 10:05 PM

God does bad things to people because life can't be perfect.But i feel sorry that you've been adopted 8 times why did they even not want you?


~Be the Soccerball and mark your goal

Lets move to the rhythm of the water
225 posts
Seen 10th March 2016
28th August 2015, 11:08 AM

I know a friend who has been adopted 8 times. People, please don't get mixed up here. I was not adopted 8 times, my friend was. And it was a short story. :)

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