30th August 2015, 10:05 AM
Judgement..what is it?? Many things. The noun "Judgement" can be used in many ways. But the more common definition is better known as "someone's opinion on thoughts on another". Judgement, it's not good at times, but it's not a bad thing either. Judgement is bad in ways such as bullying. Judgement in bullying. You can be judged by your appearance, size or height or face. You can be judged by first impressions. Do us, the humans of our society take judgement too harsh. Do us, the people of our communities use judgement in ways that may offend or disappoint others. Do us, the persons of this Earth, ever think, before we speak. Us, the people are living things. Not being plants, but us being animals. We are the more larger and independent species of animals. Unfortunately, some others think too high of themselves. Think of themselves as upper class, more photogenic or sophisticated. But really, were all the same. Not one of us is different towards the other. It does not matter about your beauty, size, height, intelligence, skin color, how are bodies work, or how are brains work. So do not choose to judge. Choose to chance. Chance is the better option..
~Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm Possible."...xx~