1,027 posts
Seen 6th September 2020
27th September 2013, 04:08 PM
Now... you might know that New Club Penguin -was- good, until they started to be lazy, and only wanted it for the money. What about the kids? What about having fun? When you were a kid.. did you scam kids into giving you money? That's what I say. now New Club Penguin repaints old things or brings back new things, or even makes bad remakes of things to think that it is an awesome style. The old style was the best! It was unique, but was cool enough. They also Have the same parties, and the same places as each year now. They have lame things to do, and only made new horrible games. Like the fruit smashing one, WHERE YOU SMASH FRUITS WITH YOUR BOTTOM! That is what I call weird. Face it... Old Club Penguin is the miracle of New club Penguin! New Club penguin will just lose all their rare penguins due to their greediness! Now that... THAT is a speech.
If you want Old Club Penguin back, Like this.
If you want Old Club Penguin back, Like this.
27th September 2013, 04:33 PM
yes i want oldcp back,but i hate when people complain about it. complaining won't bring oldcp back.and everyone who still plays newcp obviously has new items.and its funny how everyone complained about the fact,that disney took away the rare items but they brought alot back. but when they brought them back everyone started complaining about the fact that that disney is bringing back the rare items and selling them in catalogs.SO? and you should just be thankful that damen was kind enough to bring back everyone's childhood. ik some people are probaby gonna say "you didn't have to be that mean about it". i agree i sound a little mean,but i'm not trying to gave your point of you and all i'm trying to do is give my point of view. anyway,that.....THAT is a speech. have a great day.
27th September 2013, 06:48 PM
Lol i know. But I keep my complaining to myself, except for this one time. I am one of the old penguins that want old cp back