Former Master
216 posts
Seen 13th March 2016
17th October 2015, 09:56 AM
Hey guys! I wanted to make a post about doubting on yourself and I hope you enjoy!
What Is Doubting?
Doubting is like you feel uncertain about yourself/object. Its not really a good thing.
Why Is Doubting Bad?
Its bad because if you doubt on yourself then you feel like you can't do anything. You could feel why even try if I can't get it right the first time? Well you just keep trying your best! Never stop reaching to the top of your goals/dreams/hopes. Doubting could be from bullying or judgement. It could also lead to bulling.
How Could It Lead To Bulling?
Well, if you doubt on yourself to much then you could start feeling like other people need to feel the same so you go on and bully them. I mean I say this in almost in every post I make, "Why care what others think of you when there is over 70 billion people on the world and just one person is judging you?" Stay brave and just do what you love! (Music helps me, if you like music then try it!)
That is it for my post! I might make another post like this, give it a +1 or a -1! I hoped you enjoyed and also if you need any help or you just need to talk to me then you can PM me anytime! I hope you have a fab day!!