31st December 2018, 07:06 PM
Hello Readers! Welcome to the last POTM for 2018!
As you can see, Zoe won first place, with a whopping 15 days, 7 hours, 22 minutes, and 32 seconds! Congrats to her!
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place all said their most memorable moments of 2018!
Not only did Zoe win POTM, but because of her “great attitude, performance, and leadership” said Abu, she also became OldCP’s Newest Moderator! Congratulations Zoe, mod will suit you well!
After the POTM ceremony, Damen hosted a feast in honor of her promotion, as well as Major!
There were plenty of meals, and in the end Major said a speech about the new year ahead of us! He has promised us new transforms and crimezone, as well as bringing back old transforms, war and snowball servers, and previous crimezone!
Now’s your chance to pitch in your ideas to Major by dming him or emailing!