Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
10th October 2019, 12:53 PM
Spooktober Wisdom
If you treat other people like trash, you should not expect people to treat you well in return. Some people complain about how others treat them and they expect respect from everyone, but I often find if you examine how you've been interacting with other people, you can find that you are the root of your own problem.
As people, we always look to an external reason that may be causing our problems.
Ex: So-and-so doesn't like me because they are jealous of me.
When in reality that person doesn't like you because you've been treating them like trash.
Everyone is guilty of this, its a really common thing to do.
So before you place the blame of any bad social interaction on other people, look at your own actions.
And always give people another chance to improve themselves and help to make things right. Most of the time no one is 100% to blame for anything, interacting with people is a two way street.