News Reporter
4,301 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
10th April 2020, 06:23 PM
For GOM, each team should be sent to the Office to perform their task in front of all the staff and have the rest of the teams wait in other jrs. This could prevent lag while trying to perform so each player can perform to the best of their ability without lag ruining it.
2,224 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
10th April 2020, 06:33 PM
mariojack905 wrote on 10th April 2020, 06:25 PM:
People gonna get annoyed that it's private though, just like the trial.
Not if it is broadcasted on cinema or recorded and uploaded to YT.
Plus, what will everyone see if it is public? Penguins moving slower than a 12384 year old turtle? A flurry of constant speech bubbles - left, right, centre? Snowballs and MTN DEW BOMBS adding to the bedlam?