22nd April 2020

A warning to lex and everyone else

Made by Sled in Reports

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
22nd April 2020, 08:34 AM

This is a warning to you all. As you all know Lex is making his own version of "OldCP".

Damen is not going to go through this again and has told me to ban anyone who plays it and if Lex goes through with creating this copy of OldCP he will be IPbanned from DSGHQ services.

To anyone who thinks its actually okay that people can just go off and make copies of the game: Damen puts a lot of work into making your create requests, islands, crimezone stuff, etc. For that to be copied and to have your players actually support someone who has just completely copied the game without Damen's permission is sad. This is competition to OldCP and will hurt OldCP's activity, so obviously Damen is not happy. If you are worried about ranks, Chelsey's honorable payoff is here to help you.

If you are true to OldCP and support Damen & the work he has put into OldCP over the years and even now, you won't play an unsupported copy of OldCP.

This has been a warning to you all.
Thanks and have a good day.

+1 by Frogs, iblue, Jdutr, Miromeski and 31 others, -1 by Lex

1,817 posts
Seen 3rd January 2021
22nd April 2020, 08:39 AM

I was against this but I realised he's copying Damen's work. Truly this a bangah! BAN ALL SCUMS WHO PLAY HIS CPPS BRO!!!!!!! LEGIT. CAN FORGS GET AN OLDCP RANK THO?

+1 by Sled, Jdutr, SecurityGuy, jay and 1 other, -1 by CPBiter, Lex and Melian

122 posts
Seen 19th August 2023
22nd April 2020, 08:40 AM

Screw the DSGHQ! Lex Games HQ will rise above in triumph!

(Once he figures out how to do literally anything)


+1 by Sled, Frogs, iblue, CPBiter and 17 others

1,817 posts
Seen 3rd January 2021
22nd April 2020, 08:49 AM


+1 by jay, -1 by door

Donec mors nos separaveri
1,013 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd April 2020, 08:58 AM

While I completely agree that copying Damen's work is wrong, there are a couple of constructive criticisms that I want to give regarding this topic:

1. Nobody owns the assets to OldCP in general, including Damen.
While Damen did add a ton of custom rooms and weapons, at the end of the day, the core assets of OldCP don't belong to Damen. They belong to Disney. So OldCP itself is a copy of Club Penguin, and Damen almost got sued for it. So to blame Lex's OldCP for being a copy when OldCP itself is a copy is a bit ironic.

However, almost all of the weapon assets and the custom rooms belong to Damen, as he hand made them himself, so he's completely justified on getting mad on that part.

2. The sudden attention to Lex's OldCP means something.
This event should be taken as an opportunity for Damen to self-reflect on OldCP and the community as a whole. If OldCP really was a game which catered to what people wanted to see, then there wouldn't be such a drastic interest in Lex's OldCP, because everyone would have been content with OldCP in the first place.

The approach is completely wrong.
Before I get on with my next point, I'd like to tell you all about an era most want to forget: The Charles era.

Now, Charles was, at one point, Emperor and Owner of OldCP. Although it wasn't a complete disaster, a lot of poor decisions were made during his time in charge. One of the things he did which made users hate him the most is being done right now.

When Kathcal (another user with a controversial past) made her own OldCP remake, an announcement was issued, warning people not to play the game and threatening to permanently ban anyone who did. This, in turn, caused the game to gain a lot of traction, and while it did eventually close down, it caused OldCP to go completely empty for a period of time.

History is currently repeating itself, and here we are, reading another announcement threatening to ban people who visit the game.

To sum up my criticism, if you want people to stay on OldCP, you (Damen) need to improve the game to suit what people want to see on here, and give them a reason to stay. Warning people and threatening to ban them will only further distance them from OldCP entirely, and deem Lex's OldCP much more desirable.

Trust me, I've had firsthand experience.

+1 by CPBiter, Frogs, Horse, Lex and 14 others, -1 by door

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
22nd April 2020, 09:03 AM

Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 08:58 AM:

Okay well it's true that damen doesn't own a lot of the oldcp content. But everything he customized took a lot of time and effort. Plus OldCP crimezone. Plus a lot of people are just going to play Lex's version of OldCP for ranks which is understandable.

But this is how it is. If you don't want to be loyal to OldCP and play a replica of it then go do it, just know you will be banned for it.

Lex is only making this CPPS because he never gets his way on OldCP and is BOS. He can't code, he has to rely on Rocket for that. And Rocket himself would never update OldCP when he owned it except for a few times, so don't expect much, lol.

+1 by Jdutr, Warth, EbonJaeger, Loki and 7 others

Donec mors nos separaveri
1,013 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd April 2020, 09:18 AM

Sleddy wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:03 AM:
Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 08:58 AM:
Okay well it's true that damen doesn't own a lot of the oldcp content. But everything he customized took a lot of time and effort. Plus OldCP crimezone. Plus a lot of people are just going to play Lex's version of OldCP for ranks which is understandable.
But this is how it is. If you don't want to be loyal to OldCP and play a replica of it then go do it, just know you will be banned for it.
Lex is only making this CPPS because he never gets his way on OldCP and is BOS. He can't code, he has to rely on Rocket for that. And Rocket himself would never update OldCP when he owned it except for a few times, so don't expect much, lol.

Before I get to the point, I'll touch up on the custom content and cz part. I already agreed that Lex using custom content would be just wrong. Same goes for cz. However, I doubt the cz would be copied because there are so many other events that could be played out as cz.

Now, the main point. I'm not justifying Lex making an OldCP remake, nor am I defending him for it, but this is about so much more than Lex wanting revenge. This about the "loyalty" term that is keep being thrown left and right

That loyalty you mentioned, doesn't exist.

I have seen people who have spent years on this game and have completely devoted themselves to Damen and the Empire, only to be completely ignored and swept aside.

I know Damen can't get to every single person, but you'd at least give someone who spent years on here a chance. Plus, it's not just Damen that could have done it. Any admin could have given them a chance, but they just kept ignoring them as well. Not to mention, some of these people continued to play the game despite the staggering userbase in November and December of last year, and now that all the "OG users" are back again, they're completely swept to the side once more.

OldCP isn't a game that rewards you for "loyalty". It's an inclusive clique that, if you somehow manage to get in, you will continue to be in it, and it has come to a point where because the same people keep getting ranks over and over due to "experience", people who actually want a chance and have worked for it are completely ignored.

Loyalty goes both ways. If you want users to treat the game and the Empire with respect, then the least the Empire can do is acknowledge that they exist.

I'll give a quick example. I have seen various users who have asked me how to become a Knight ever since I came back. And I couldn't give them an answer. I just couldn't. Because there is no set system for someone to apply or to train for a rank. There were attempts to make a set system, thanks to Cristal and a few others' efforts, but they don't exist anymore. In fact, there is no set system to do anything in this game. Sure, you can tell them to make a forums post, but the only response they'll get is a couple of "I hope you get the rank!" and "You need more experience"s in the replies.

" You need more experience"

They can't exactly get experience if they aren't given any chances, can they?

And if a replica of OldCP pops up where they will be actually noticed for their efforts, then you'd expect them to try their chance there, wouldn't you?

+1 by EbonJaeger, Horse, Augustine, Pencil and 6 others

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
22nd April 2020, 09:33 AM

Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:18 AM:

We are making more efforts to help people who really are devoted to OldCP get a rank, starting with Chelsey's honorable payoff. For knights, they would have to contact Randy but we can try to set up a new system of recruitment since there is a lot more interest now then when Randy originally got Knight Captain.

Yes, Lex using OldCP's custom content is wrong, but he's going to do it. He's going to have swords, weapons, everything Damen worked on to make OldCP special. It's not fair to Damen. If you take that stuff away, there is not a OldCP replica, it's a new game.

You are all going against Damen by playing that game with his custom content and coding. That server is being made without his permission.

Go play it, have fun, but you will be banned. That's all I got to say. I am just doing what was told to me by Damen.

+1 by EbonJaeger, door and lush

Donec mors nos separaveri
1,013 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd April 2020, 10:42 AM

Sleddy wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:33 AM:
Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:18 AM:
We are making more efforts to help people who really are devoted to OldCP get a rank, starting with Chelsey's honorable payoff. For knights, they would have to contact Randy but we can try to set up a new system of recruitment since there is a lot more interest now then when Randy originally got Knight Captain.
Yes, Lex using OldCP's custom content is wrong, but he's going to do it. He's going to have swords, weapons, everything Damen worked on to make OldCP special. It's not fair to Damen. If you take that stuff away, there is not a OldCP replica, it's a new game.
You are all going against Damen by playing that game with his custom content and coding. That server is being made without his permission.
Go play it, have fun, but you will be banned. That's all I got to say. I am just doing what was told to me by Damen.

I'm not blaming you for the things you said. I'm not one to shoot the messenger.

That being said, I can't deny that the Honorable Payoff system will be beneficial to the game (despite the fact that submitting forms could be exploited to rig it for certain individuals, but that's not the point here), but it's not enough. I get that Damen is busy with LeoRPG 2, but there is an active community who is dependent on him to get stuff done in OldCP, and the fact that he knowingly ignores all methods of communicating with him is worrying. However, Damen isn't exactly needed to solve all of these problems. While it is true that some problems can only be solved by Damen, a big chunk of the problems can be solved by other means, and all it would take are a few Admins and people who are willing to help out.

Firstly, the game needs more Admins with rank 5 abilities. With the sudden increase of users because of the quarantine, the user count, and the request count, is higher than ever. And it can get really frustrating to try to respond to all of them. Trust me, I know, I went through the same experience when I was Emperor Regent. I would be sent a myriad of requests on a daily basis. It's not like I didn't want to ignore them, and I tried my best to most of them, but sometimes, it just became overwhelming.

However, I was fortunate enough to have Lush as my EH, who helped me tremendously with responding to requests (thank you Lush if you're reading this!), but even then, we couldn't be able to get to all of them.

You're currently 1 person, and while you have contributed tremendously to the community as an EH, there's only so many requests you can reply to before you get overwhelmed as well. You need other Admins with rank 5 to help you out with the onslaught of requests you receive every day.

Secondly, a Council could be formed of users who are willing to help solve some of the problems OldCP has. There are a lot of experienced users here that could share what flaws they have seen in the game throughout their time here, and their input could be vital to put and end to these problems.

For example, one of the biggest problems that is being overlooked is that most of the old userbase that's present right now joined OldCP when it was yet a Club Penguin Remake with little to no weaponry and/or cz. We all joined the game as a place to make friends and play minigames, and we were all gradually introduced to new concepts, like more weapons and new cz. However, that's not the case anymore. New users come to OldCP for the same reasons that we did years ago. However, what they find is a game that:

- Lacks the mechanics to buy clothing,
- Doesn't have the usual CPPS commands like !ac,
- Has mini games that are sometimes broken,
- Has rooms that simply don't work, and a ton of new ones that weren't in original Club Penguin and that you can't get to from the map,
- And has too few users for a Club Penguin remake.

Seriously, could you imagine trying to explain Pythas and the rest of cz to a new user?

However, there is a solution to this. The welcome pop-up that Damen added was a step in the right direction, but it doesn't actually inform you on what the game is. What could be done is that the members of this Council could type up introductory texts that give a general overview of what OldCP is, and answers to frequently asked questions such as "How do I get a rank/weapon?". This can then be given to Damen and he can add it to the pop-up as a separate section labeled as "What is OldCP?". See how the solution was comprised mostly of the effort of the users, and how all that Damen had to do was add an existing piece of text into the game files?

This is just one of the solutions that could come out of this Council. The experience of these experienced people could help solve underlying issues in the game that haven't been addressed.

Only by doing these can OldCP could reach a point where users are content enough to stay on OldCP, and not go and check out replicas.

These are my 2 cents, and it's entirely up to you whether to listen to me, because I know Damen won't.

+1 by Sled, Horse, EbonJaeger, Augustine and 4 others

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
22nd April 2020, 10:53 AM

Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 10:42 AM:
Sleddy wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:33 AM:
Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:18 AM:

We have hired another admin which will help a lot and we have some admins who are laying low but helping me on the admin server to fill requests. I think the biggest issue is Damen ignroes a lot of what I try to tell him (no offense damen). Plus I'm the first EH with no DB access so I can't solve a lot of issues on my own.

I do like your council idea though, it is quite hard for a new user to understand the essence of oldcp and why it's so different from all the other servers. I just wish I had the ability to do more since Damen is very busy all the time, but I'm EH and I have to stay within my lane. I can't do a lot without his permission and sometimes I don't get a response to my questions for permission.

+1 by Mercer, lush, EbonJaeger, Augustine and 1 other

Donec mors nos separaveri
1,013 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd April 2020, 10:58 AM

Sleddy wrote on 22nd April 2020, 10:53 AM:
Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 10:42 AM:
Sleddy wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:33 AM:
Orbay wrote on 22nd April 2020, 09:18 AM:
We have hired another admin which will help a lot and we have some admins who are laying low but helping me on the admin server to fill requests. I think the biggest issue is Damen ignroes a lot of what I try to tell him (no offense damen). Plus I'm the first EH with no DB access so I can't solve a lot of issues on my own.
I do like your council idea though, it is quite hard for a new user to understand the essence of oldcp and why it's so different from all the other servers. I just wish I had the ability to do more since Damen is very busy all the time, but I'm EH and I have to stay within my lane.

But that's exactly it. You don't need Damen's approval to make a Council, because you're not giving users any in-game power, you're just including them to a group that will help you come up with solutions that can be implemented without you needing to message Damen.

If Damen's permission is needed for something, such as a new Knight System, we could present to him a fully-prepared system, and ask for a simple yes/no. But the main idea will be that these solutions will either not require Damen at all, or will require him to do something very minimal, as to not distract him from LeoRPG 2.

If you want to talk more about this Council idea, hit me up on Discord.

+1 by Pencil, Sled and Moni

OldCP Administrator
233 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd April 2020, 11:03 AM

Sleddy wrote on 22nd April 2020, 08:34 AM:
This is a warning to you all. As you all know Lex is making his own version of "OldCP".
Damen is not going to go through this again and has told me to ban anyone who plays it and if Lex goes through with creating this copy of OldCP he will be IPbanned from DSGHQ services.
To anyone who thinks its actually okay that people can just go off and make copies of the game: Damen puts a lot of work into making your create requests, islands, crimezone stuff, etc. For that to be copied and to have your players actually support someone who has just completely copied the game without Damen's permission is sad. This is competition to OldCP and will hurt OldCP's activity, so obviously Damen is not happy. If you are worried about ranks, Chelsey's honorable payoff is here to help you.
If you are true to OldCP and support Damen & the work he has put into OldCP over the years and even now, you won't play an unsupported copy of OldCP.
This has been a warning to you all.
Thanks and have a good day.

Im only doing this because you and all the staff are completely unfair and against me. You guys shouldve trialed Ian

+1 by Pencil, -1 by door, lush, HamilHelp, Sled and 4 others

OldCP Administrator
233 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd April 2020, 11:11 AM

Sleddy wrote on 22nd April 2020, 08:34 AM:
This is a warning to you all. As you all know Lex is making his own version of "OldCP".
Damen is not going to go through this again and has told me to ban anyone who plays it and if Lex goes through with creating this copy of OldCP he will be IPbanned from DSGHQ services.
To anyone who thinks its actually okay that people can just go off and make copies of the game: Damen puts a lot of work into making your create requests, islands, crimezone stuff, etc. For that to be copied and to have your players actually support someone who has just completely copied the game without Damen's permission is sad. This is competition to OldCP and will hurt OldCP's activity, so obviously Damen is not happy. If you are worried about ranks, Chelsey's honorable payoff is here to help you.
If you are true to OldCP and support Damen & the work he has put into OldCP over the years and even now, you won't play an unsupported copy of OldCP.
This has been a warning to you all.
Thanks and have a good day.

I knew you guys were gonna say this. Now i owe people 5$ damn it

+1 by Pencil, -1 by door, lush, Sled, ian and 1 other

OldCP Administrator
233 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
22nd April 2020, 11:14 AM

Frogs wrote on 22nd April 2020, 08:39 AM:
I was against this but I realised he's copying Damen's work. Truly this a bangah! BAN ALL SCUMS WHO PLAY HIS CPPS BRO!!!!!!! LEGIT. CAN FORGS GET AN OLDCP RANK THO?

Funny that you say that because you were asking me for stuff

+1 by Frogs, -1 by ian and EpicAnimatorGuy

1,817 posts
Seen 3rd January 2021
22nd April 2020, 11:24 AM

lexrocks1 wrote on 22nd April 2020, 11:14 AM:
Frogs wrote on 22nd April 2020, 08:39 AM:
I was against this but I realised he's copying Damen's work. Truly this a bangah! BAN ALL SCUMS WHO PLAY HIS CPPS BRO!!!!!!! LEGIT. CAN FORGS GET AN OLDCP RANK THO?
Funny that you say that because you were asking me for stuff


+1 by jay and Pencil, -1 by door, Dice and EpicAnimatorGuy

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