19th May 2020

May Wisdom: Hate

Made by Loki in Wisdom

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2020, 12:56 AM

May Wisdom

Hate is a very destructive force and a foul emotion. It is never the answer to anything, it only creates problems. So why is hate so common?

It can be so easy to hate. You find something about someone or someone wrongs you and you find that that same thing about the person irritates other people. Before you know it, you're ranting about the person. Your allowing your negative feelings towards them to grow. It becomes consuming. Soon enough, every time you see this person, you get the urge to put them down and make them feel bad. Before you know it, you're both talking trash about one another to your friends and even to each other.

Hate has a multiplier effect. If one person in a group hates you, its likely their friend group will end up feeling the same way. Its pretty easy for that to happen, especially since their friend is being treated poorly by someone.

Hate is so toxic and it is so prevalent in this community. I have tried to make amends with some of people who seem to hate me, or perhaps they just dislike me rather greatly. But rather than them accepting, some of them have continued on with their open hostilities, calling me a foul word right after I extend my apology and suggest that we try to simply get along. Even continuing this when I even try to avoid interacting with them.

We are much too small of a community to do this to each other. I ask you all, try to set your hate of a person aside. Try to look at them from a different perspective. Remember, we are all human. We have all made mistakes and done things that were wrong. Do not allow yourself to hate on someone over minor things. Every time you see someone on this game log in, give them the chance to be a person you can like rather than seeing them only as someone you hate. If you can't do that, ignore them rather than continuing the cycle of bad interactions and bad feelings.

Hate is consuming and it is so impure. When you hate, you may never find true peace with yourself.

+1 by Tasha, Rachell, zenny, Mink and 15 others

IKEA Swedish Meatballs
492 posts
Seen 5th October 2020
19th May 2020, 09:31 AM

Very well written. Thank you for posting this.

+1 by Loki

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