26th February 2021

Fiction February: Eternal Equinox

Made by Fable in Cool Stuff

790 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th February 2021, 07:30 PM

The Eternal Equinox

A distinct light had made things clear, it lacked a source, but soon it all faded to Spring. A wonderful overgrown canvas was painted to my eyes. The flowers grew to immense height, the trees were oh so tall. and then faded to Fall. The once vegetated leaves shriveled to festive pigment, but soon everything was tan. The once warm equinox froze and the temperature plummeted. This land had no solstice, an endless cycle of equal days. Was this all? No, I was not the only one here. On the warm days, I was perplexed, pale-faced to see a beetle emerge from the deep below. Like the plants and trees, this primordial larva was proportionate to a dinner table. I had to run, there was no doubt I was the food of the big bug. Advancing to high ground, I climbed up a steep hill. The beetle stopped for a moment, only to crawl faster than I was scaling. I had to move quicker, otherwise he would pull me back away from the ledge, it was so close to me. The beetle grabbed me and threw me upwards. A dragonfly, with the hairy and sticky legs it grabs me up to the sky. The roof of the world was actually another layer of rock and sediment. I jump off and grab my hand into an opening. I was going to slip. A man grabbed my hand.

“You’re quite the trooper to endure all this” he said. He wore a slightly dirty white coat. If only I knew anyone else in this strange world.

The hospital room fades into view. The doctors have alerted my awakening. My family will soon join in celebration as I finally am free from my coma. The man, whom now I realize is a doctor, has me wheeled out in a wheelchair. The world I was in no longer is here. I still miss the days of eternal equinox.

+1 by SecurityGuy, Stryke, Loki, Pablo and 2 others



Emperor of OldCP
1,122 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th February 2021, 10:24 PM

This is great Fable

18 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
26th February 2021, 11:13 PM

Good job Fable. 10/10

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