13th June 2021

Become a Wise Moth!

Made by Balin in Wisdom

”Growing is a process
121 posts
Seen 14th January 2023
13th June 2021, 03:30 AM

Hi everyone here in the DSGHQ community!

After this last update of Oldcp, many sages left their position and their scriptures, being inactive for a long period that has extended until now, I don't know if for reasons of impossibility and lack of time or if they simply don't want to perform this function anymore

After numerous failed attempts to contact them, I will start actively looking for new members for the Wise Moth Council! Currently, we only have my loyal companions Loki who is Blind Monk and Fable who is Moth Ninja, the position that should have more candidates which is the position of Wise Moth, there's no one I'm sad seeing this.

Our community has many people with excellent potential to become great sages, I myself never thought to play my role, but with effort and dedication I arrived here and you can also just have faith and make an effort.

So what do you need to do to be considered for Wise Moth?
Literally, just ask. If you have enough experience and a good track record as a rated user, you can easily get Wise Moth right away, without training.
If you don't have enough experience or don't have a good track record, you will be trained to rank. At the end of the training there is a test, so be sure to take notes. Testing isn't terribly difficult as it's an entry level to sorting, so don't let that deter you.

How do you receive training?
You will need to arrange this with me, I have free time as I haven't had much work now so enjoy and get in touch with me I will be willing to personally train each of you

What are the benefits of being a moth?
Moths receive a monthly payment. I'm not sure how much this payment is at the moment.
You also have access to scrolls and artifacts. You must protect them with your life and never leak them.

If you are interested in becoming a moth, simply sign up below with a simple format:
From the user:
How do you fit into the role:
How will you improve the board and fulfill your responsibilities:

or simply send me a mail here on the forums with what I indicated above!

Best regards
~Grand Moth Wise Balin :D

+1 by Miromeski, Dice, SecurityGuy, Loki and 3 others

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