15th September 2021

Court Dossier / Call to Eiven

Made by Alatar in Crimezone

130 posts
Seen 30th May 2023
15th September 2021, 08:14 PM

The Court Dossier against Aule. This was originally drafted on 9/9/21. After Eiven intercepted our trial, it was not sent, and we were very late getting signatures. Those involved in Aule's case are in no way directly involved with Eiven's.

(For those unable to open the document.)

The Application of which Eiven, Lord of Interstellar Law, overreached his authority in denying a case being heard in a court despite the legal steps being taken in regards to scheduling, organizing claims and submitting claims in dossier format to the court of Valinor; the overreaching goes further due to him being unable to provide valid grounds of rejection, citing 'his own grounds' as his reason for denying our trial.

We will be seeing you in court, Lord of Interstellar Law. Your title will be forfeit for this blasphemy.

(Below is the listed information from the Eiven Dossier Draft, 9/15/21. Witnesses in Aule's case are in no way directly involved in the case of Eiven. Witnesses in Eiven's trial will most likely be called to the stand by simple coordination with the trial, rather than pre-signed, as unlike Aule's case we have direct evidence of Eiven's criminal activity and therefore have already proven our reason for judgement.)

COURT: Court of Death
DATE: 09/16/21 11 AM EST or ASAP (We will know when you log on, Eiven.)
JUDGE: Lord of Death, NĂ mo B.M. Illuvitar
LAWYER (1): LordLaw
LAWYER (2): Eiven (Rep. himself, lest he hire a lawyer in the meantime.)
JURY: 3+

+1 by Dice, eugee, Loki, Fable and 6 others

2,484 posts
Seen 30th July 2023
15th September 2021, 08:31 PM


790 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
15th September 2021, 10:50 PM

This is what we wanted, politics in CZ. This feels super professional and it makes the lore more realistic.
Good work Alatar. I wish I could give 5 rep for each like, especially on this post. While I cannot attend due to my education periods, I will make sure to come to further interstellar events as a juror. My opinions are unbiased and from a out looking perspective.



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