1,172 posts
Seen 10th August 2023
10th January 2022, 07:09 PM
kace was indeed in the forest looking for something to do on p3d
suddenly a spirit appeared which was quite crazy bro thats silly
suddenly it spoke and said these words wth its nessa the valar indeed quite crazy
obviously kace would respond but then the light faded and Nessa the valar left with 2 words
thats quite coocoo crazy bro so kace listened to nessa the valar and then went on a journey to find nook at ach to
kace sails north to go to ach to
kace takes a rest break on dorval indeed and hops on a better ship to head further north but then sees something crazy in the distance
oh hell nah kace is gonna become a league of legends player idk what league is so kace denied this and then continued his journey
kace has arrived on ach too and looks for nook to find the mjolnir whatever that is easier through prophecy
unfortunately aiden is offline so kace waits for aiden for rn (Respond nook bro need u)