27th January 2023

Make getting strength a bit easier.

Made by Luminite in Suggestions

Infinite Staircase
51 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
27th January 2023, 02:31 PM

(This suggestion is for Skirmish and other monster beating Wrath Games)

For newcomers i like the idea of atleast being possible to reach 2.5/5k strength all alone since it sounds fair, it is possible but it is extremely hard and boring so no one does it.

Basically right now to get strength you still need to be op. Why? Because, as an example, when you reach the Spider wave, you just get annihilated by the spiders damage and you will die soon or later, the Lives system does not help with this because, if you die you get up with max health but still, you are gonna get killed fast enough that you wont even be able to compensate for that life lost by killing other spiders.

What i suggest to change this is: Adding a health pack system to when you kill a monster. The health packs wouldnt work like med kits, they would work by when killing a monster, you get a small to medium percentage of hp and force back (based on your max health and max force).

So when you kill a monster, you get a percentage of hp and force back. This would reduce the amount of effort you need to complete the waves and make it overall easier and hopefully more fun.

+1 by Flame, Ras, Stoneclash and Mirrikh

Infinite Staircase
51 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
27th January 2023, 02:32 PM

It isn't a banger suggestion just something i thought would make skirmish a little easier.

+1 by Mirrikh and Stoneclash

269 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
27th January 2023, 05:20 PM

Luminite wrote on 27th January 2023, 02:31 PM:
when killing a monster, you get a small to medium percentage of hp and force back (based on your max health and max force)

Good idea

+1 by Mirrikh

178 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
27th January 2023, 05:45 PM


+1 by Mirrikh

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