25th March 2023

Aldarion and Erendis

Made by Loki in Wisdom

Queen of Vultures
1,641 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th March 2023, 10:19 AM

Aldarion and Erendis were a couple Numenorians in the Second Age (obviously).

For all of his life, Aldarion loved sailing. He started when he was a child and his grandfather (on his mother’s side) would take him sailing. As he grew he became more independent and eventually started leading his own sailing expeditions into Middle Earth. Aldarion’s father disapproved of these long voyages but did not stop his son from going on them. Aldarion’s father was the king of Numenor and he thought his son should be better acquainted with the land he would one day rule than he was with the sea.

Eventually Aldarion would marry a woman named Erendis. But she did not love the sea. In fact she hated it. She loved the land and the trees and Numenor. Erendis was very patient waiting for Aldarion as he continued going on voyaged despite being betrothed to her.

After they got married, Aldarion settled on the land for awhile and he and his wife even had a daughter together. Erendis had hoped that having a child would make him no longer desire the sea and she wanted to have more children, preferably a son so that Aldarion would have an heir. But she was wrong.

When their child was four years old, Aldarion went on another voyage. Erendis did not approve of it but he promised her that he would only be gone for two years, so she let him go but she did not give him her blessing and moved out into sheep country. When he was due to return, she had his house prepared for him to return to and decided she would stay in sheep country until his ship was seen returning. But Aldarion did not return that year. Nor the year after that. Nor the year after that. Nor the year after that.

When he finally did return, she was very bitter and cold towards him. She even made him sleep in the guest room. While she was angry, she had hoped that he would ask her for her forgiveness. But he did not. Instead he rode away the next morning and disrespected her in front of their kid.

Then when he finally returned to Armenelos, he had their house and everything on their property burned to the ground except for one tree that had been given to them by the Eldar. So when Aldarion finally did become the King of Numenor and sent for his wife and child, Erendis flat out refused to return. She was absolutely heartbroken.

I think Aldarion is completely in the wrong here. He knew his wife didn’t want him to sail away again yet he did and he promised her he would only be gone for two years but was gone for more like five or six years. Of course his wife would be upset. He should have done something to try to make the situation right but he didn’t because of his foolish pride and stubbornness.

+1 by Sled, Varai and Flynn

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