El Puckley's moods

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El Puckley
28th December 2014
Ah nah, no Pookies are going to invade us. I am going to make a team.
El Puckley
28th December 2014
When someone makes a Wiki Page is it supposed to be in third person or first person?
El Puckley
28th December 2014
The best hero, is the quietest.
El Puckley
27th December 2014
I was runner up as best army leader of the year to FlipMoo, Congrats Flip.
El Puckley
27th December 2014
I have noticed 3 teams that I have taken a liking towards. The Freehawks, The Wizards and lastly the Warriors.
El Puckley
27th December 2014
Hello, I am El Puckley, a pro at recruiting people, I currently have no team and I am one of the best at generating Ideas and bringing in new members each day. Any team who would want a change then i'm your man.