Wheeler's moods
1st May 2015
A detailed post on everything that took place tonight will be posted on OldCPDaily later tonight!
22nd April 2015
OldCP is seemingly having connectivity issues. Just wait it out, guys.
22nd April 2015
There's either connectivity issues, or there's a LOT of people busy: http://prntscr.com/6wwz2a
15th April 2015
Hopefully this suggestion goes ahead: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/40851/?page=2
15th April 2015
Just made a JR channel. Hopefully it'll be approved soon so I can see how it is!
27th March 2015
You guys should read my post in this thread if you are feeling like the OP was feeling; it could give you a new mindset to keep going (then again, it might not, but it's how I do it): http://forums.damenspike.com/view/39352//?post=272023&post=272023#p272023
27th March 2015
I'll be getting involved with the forum slightly, I've grown sick of other forums that I am a member of. : -)
18th March 2015
It's been the first proper sunny day of the year. Summer is around the corner!
2nd March 2015
How would I go about getting member, lads? I want to message a few people.