Phoenix's moods

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12th August 2015
what luck banished on XAT Why Does That Bot Hate Me!!!!!! :( i dont try to spam
12th August 2015
A entire day plan ruined... because of 3 of the things i no longer like atleast i have some time to myself
12th August 2015
Today will be epic! i am planning to watch the entire season of HTTYD 1 on TV the entire thing! while eating popcorn with my grand father ^-^ its gonna be a break out!
12th August 2015
i am starting to feel a distinct energetic motive to start spazzing out how i feel about some cases because i am not in the best mood, i am sorry for some of my actions
11th August 2015
literally rookies cant do anything i feel bad for them they cant even comment on mood's
11th August 2015
Sherlock Pm Me
11th August 2015
I took the sacrifice where i get suspended and all and get 2x the rep so i will be a bit inactive on forums on da bright side I am modifying this account
13th July 2015
I really cant wait until I get member on this account... I decide i will donate my gold to staff members friends and users like rookies who made posts but didnt get that earning
12th July 2015
whatever badge i earn i am either donating to George5562 Damen or Heygirl
12th June 2015
small info question is there anyway i can buy the original NC on forums?
12th June 2015
finally got a perfect spare :D