Llamacorn's moods
3rd October 2015
My new account is Llamacornia so everyone add me AND IM SO EXCITED FOR THE MOD COMP! Its so hard to believe I joined on July 11th and its now October! Thank you guys for being so nice to me!
3rd October 2015
My new account is Llamacornia so everyone add me AND IM SO EXCITED FOR THE MOD COMP!!!
7th September 2015
I can't remember what server they said but we should have a gigantic snowball fight
31st August 2015
YAYAYAYAYA My tooth finally came out today, it hurt so bad. YAYAYAYAYAYA
31st August 2015
I sacrificed my profile photo for a weird picture but Im actually pretty satisfied by it right now.
14th August 2015
When I was little I had a theory that unicorns in heaven made babies by taking water and skins from animals and put it into a bowl and grew it....
14th August 2015
Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you can't get back. -Unknown-
13th August 2015
Every sixity seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you can't get back. -Unknown-
6th August 2015
I don't wanna go on Broadway, all I wanna do is stay home and eat chips. -Mackenzie Zeigler
27th July 2015
Beyonce + llama+ unicorn = Beyamacorn. Which is a sibling of Donald Trump. Illuminati Confirmed.
26th July 2015
Beyonce + llama = Beyama. Which is a sibling of Obama. Illuminati Confirmed.
25th July 2015
When your mom tells you to get feed your dogs and there's no more dog food so you get out of doing your chore.