Jacobg627's moods
5th August 2015
#TheBoxHeads Official Meeting at /jr taocfun! We will answer all your cubic questions and discuss exclusive information! You can't miss this!
2nd August 2015
Ok fine. I'm done defending Freddy. I'm sorry Little for putting pressure on you extensively. I'm sorry Cheep for trying to persuade you to unban Freddy. I'm sorry Sam for being a mean person because we shared different opinions. I'm sorry Mckinlee for all of the above but worse. I'm done hurting my friends and I hope you all can forgive me, but if not then so be it.
31st July 2015
#TheBoxHeads group idea really worked out. Thanks everyone, and if you haven't subscribed to the channel already, please do (^-^)
28th July 2015
This isn't a post advertisement, i just found it funny. http://prntscr.com/7y4vnw
27th July 2015
Is oldcp working for any of you? It just says "Loading Club Penguin 100%" for me, no matter what :S
26th July 2015
"I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter." -Walt Disney
18th July 2015
I was writing this when I died. Care to read it? http://forums.damenspike.com/view/46166/
13th July 2015
I am officially starting a business for MLG profile pictures and backgrounds. PM me for details.